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@mikenov: RT @Bundeskanzler: Eine einzigartige Tradition: Seit 1356 feiern Hamburgerinnen und Hamburger mit ihren Gästen das Matthiae-Mahl

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@mikenov: Selected Articles – The News And Times: Ах Путин, душка, как он мил: он Джо Байде’на полюбил! – GS … Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do.…

The News And Times Blog

Selected Articles – The News And Times: Ах Путин, душка, как он мил: он Джо Байде’на полюбил! – GS … Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do.


Selected Articles – The News And Times

Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do.
Ах Путин, душка, как он мил: он Джо Байдена полюбил! – GS -Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump – AP News › article › russia-putin-biden-trump-… 5 days ago — President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 20, 2024 -…

Как Горбачёва сделали Генеральным секретарем. Закулисная политическая борьба 1984-85 года
Считается, что назначение Михаила Сергеевича на высшую должность руководителя страны было безальтернативным и безоговорочным. Но это не правда. Еще при жизни Черненко на протяжении нескольких месяцев в Политбюро закулисно обсуждались разные кандидатуры преемника. Кроме Горбачева назывались кандидатуры Гришина, Громыко, Романова, Тихонова и Щербицкого….

50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics]
50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics] PLAYaudio presents 50 of the greatest Jazz Classics of all time in one compilation. 00:00:00 All of Me 3′ 05″ MARKS G.,SIMONS S. LA DOLCE VITA JAZZ QUARTET 00:03:04 Dream A Little Dream of Me 2′ 50″ KAHN G.,ANDRE F.,SCHWANDT W. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO 00:05:54 Lover Man 5′ 45″ SHERMAN…
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NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  KTBS
NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey –
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VIDEO: NYPD cops attacked making arrest at Randall’s Island migrant shelter  New York Daily News
NYPD: Robbers steal $51,000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – News 12 Hudson Valley
NYPD: Robbers steal $51,000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  News 12 Hudson Valley

США наложили вето на резолюцию ООН по перемирию в Газе
США наложили вето на поддержанную арабами резолюцию ООН, требующую немедленного гуманитарного прекращения огня в войне между Израилем и ХАМАС в охваченном боевыми действиями секторе Газа.

Лавров: Отношения между Москвой и Каракасом вышли на стратегический уровень
Отношения межу Россией и Венесуэлой вышли на уровень стратегического партнерства. Об этом заявил министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров по итогам переговоров с исполнительными вице-президентов Венесуэлы Делси Родригес и главой МИД республики Иваном Хилем.

Шойгу: С прошлого года на службу по контракту набрано 590 тысяч человек
Почти 540 тысяч человек поступили на военную службу по контракту в Вооруженные силы РФ в 2023 году, это позволило создать резервную армию в составе шести дивизий. Об этом во вторник вечером после доклада президенту рассказал журналистам министр обороны России Сергей Шойгу.
Police need better strategies for domestic violence. – Baltimore Sun
Police need better strategies for domestic violence.  Baltimore Sun
@mikenov: RT @nypost: COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders
COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders — New York Post (@nypost) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @nypost: COVID vaccines linked to slight increases in heart, brain, blood disorders first appeared on Links…
@mikenov: RT @IDF: Over the past 24hrs, IDF troops in Gaza: 🔺Continued intensive operations in western Khan Yunis and central Gaza and eliminated do…
Over the past 24hrs, IDF troops in Gaza: Continued intensive operations in western Khan Yunis and central Gaza and eliminated dozens of terrorists, including by directing IAF aircraft and through tank and sniper fire. Directed the IAF to strike a Hamas weapons storage… — Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) February 20, 2024…
@mikenov: RT @nypost: Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’…
Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’ — New York Post (@nypost) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @nypost: Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’…
@mikenov: RT @USApoRusski: .@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии крепче, чем когда-либо прежде. Мы продолжим вместе с на…
.@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии крепче, чем когда-либо прежде. Мы продолжим вместе с нашими союзниками по НАТО поддерживать Украину. — США по-русски (@USApoRusski) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @USApoRusski: .@VP: Трансатлантическое партнерство Соединенных Штатов и Германии…
@mikenov: RT @SkyNews: US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure…
US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure — Sky News (@SkyNews) February 20, 2024 The post @mikenov: RT @SkyNews: US frustration with Israel has grown in recent weeks – and new UN resolution is sign of that displeasure… first appeared on…
@MoscowTimes: The “undesirable” designation bans RFE/RL’s work inside Russia, puts staff members at risk of jail time and criminalizes engagement with the outlet, including sharing its content online.
The “undesirable” designation bans RFE/RL’s work inside Russia, puts staff members at risk of jail time and criminalizes engagement with the outlet, including sharing its content online.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024
@MoscowTimes: Revisiting some of the opposition figure’s most impactful exposés, from ducks at Medvedev’s lavish estate and corgis on private jets to Putin’s palace and Navalny’s own poisoning.
Revisiting some of the opposition figure’s most impactful exposés, from ducks at Medvedev’s lavish estate and corgis on private jets to Putin’s palace and Navalny’s own poisoning.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024
@MoscowTimes: The far-right Russian Volunteer Corps claimed it planned to “fight off” a prison convoy that transferred Alexei Navalny to an Arctic prison in December, but the jailbreak was thwarted by “effective” security precautions taken by law enforcement agents.
The far-right Russian Volunteer Corps claimed it planned to “fight off” a prison convoy that transferred Alexei Navalny to an Arctic prison in December, but the jailbreak was thwarted by “effective” security precautions taken by law enforcement agents.— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) February 20, 2024

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do.

Ах Путин, душка, как он мил: он Джо Байдена полюбил! – GS

Putin says Russia prefers Biden to Trump – AP News › article › russia-putin-biden-trump-… 5 days ago — President Vladimir Putin said that Russia would prefer to see…

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 20, 2024

M.N.: Putin: I do not think that people care much about what you say, and whom you support or do not support in the US Election – 2024. People just watch, carefully, what you do. 

Putin, Tucker, and US Elections 2024 – GS

Saved Articles

Kremlin Cronies: Putin-Tucker Interview Will ‘Blow Up’ U.S. Election

posted at 08:02:46 UTC via Julia Davis

Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia came as a shock to many, except for the Russian propagandists who have been lobbying for the fulfillment of his long-standing wish to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. In recent years, the head of RT Margarita Simonyan pleaded with the Kremlin to make appropriate arrangements, and state TV host Vladimir Solovyov offered Carlson a job on his channel, Solovyov Live. Like many Putin propagandists, Simonyan realized that Carlson’s softball sit-down with Putin would be even more of a propaganda boon than his pro-Russian, anti-Ukrainian, and borderline anti-American rhetoric over the years.

While Solovyov had to settle for Scott Ritter, it seems like Simonyan may have finally got her wish. State media reported that Carlson’s minivan, full of TV equipment, had left his hotel and traveled to the presidential administration Monday evening. During the same timeframe, Putin’s motorcade reportedly traveled towards the Kremlin.

On Tuesday, Alexei Venediktov, former editor of Ekho Moskvy radio station, hinted in a post on X (formerly Twitter), “As I understand, Tucker Carlson got what he wanted.”

The timing was quite obviously chosen to coincide with Russia’s upcoming presidential election. This event is merely one of the performances in the Kremlin’s Kabuki theater of democracy, where even Putin’s rivals acknowledge they have no hope of actually winning, and merely hope to stay alive and remain out of prison. However, being able to show that a well-known American figure is willing to bend the knee to an international pariah is a great opportunity for Putin to re-assert his dominance and standing.

There is still no confirmation of an interview between Carlson and Putin, but a Russian government official anonymously told The Moscow Times, “The boss [Putin] will win the election without Tucker’s help, but access to an American audience through Carlson during the heated struggle between Biden and Trump is again an opportunity to exert that proverbial influence on the U.S. election, given Carlson’s huge audience.” He also noted, “our propaganda will blast Carlson’s words criticizing the Democrats, which means he will confirm our hawks’ line up to the tiniest detail.”

A source close to the presidential administration told The Moscow Times, “Tucker has been expected here for a long time. He is welcome here.”

Carlson’s arrival in Moscow threw Russian state TV media into a frenzy of detailed coverage, showcasing Carlson’s visit to the ballet, his luncheon, visiting a Kamchatka stand at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, and going for a ride on a subway. During Monday’s broadcast of the state TV show 60 Minutes, host Evgeny Popov gleefully declared that during his exploration of Moscow, Carlson “charged his smartphone via a USB port and connected to a fast and free WiFi internet.” Popov proudly added, “American citizens can’t even dream about such wonders of civilization!”

To underscore the depth of Carlson’s commitment to the Russian cause, state media programs pointed out that in America, he is called out as a traitor and his trip is being compared to Jane Fonda’s visit to Vietnam in 1972. During Sunday’s broadcast of a show At Dawn on channel Solovyov Live, former New York Times correspondent John Varoli feverishly exclaimed that Carlson could be “liquidated” at any moment, describing him as “Joe Biden’s enemy number one.” In Russia, where the killings or imprisonments of journalists and dissidents are quite routine, an absurd assertion that the Biden administration is trying to hunt down Tucker Carlson might sound believable.

During Monday’s broadcast of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, the host claimed, “The main problem in America right now is what to do with Tucker Carlson!” Solovyov alleged that previous interviews American journalists conducted with Putin were “chopped up,” re-edited, and used “out of context.” He fumed, “In our journalism, this sort of thing is unacceptable by definition… it’s taboo!” Solovyov assumed that this wouldn’t happen with Carlson and Putin’s potential interview which he thought would be showcased in its entirety.

Earlier on Monday, recognizing the fired host of Fox News as one of their own, the Russian Union of Journalists offered Tucker Carlson to join the organization, pay the dues, and abide by its rules.

During The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, political scientist Sergey Mikheyev noted, “A few words about Tucker Carlson, since he is a popular figure. Lately, when I see him, I think there is something wrong with his psyche, because everyone is pressuring him. His eyebrows are raised, he constantly looks worried. He used to look better than this.”

Mikheyev said, “If Tucker dares to broadcast this interview in the United States, first and foremost, this will blow up their informational blockade from within.” Mikheyev predicted that Putin’s interview would be more interesting than anything that is uttered by American politicians, claiming that both the Democratic and the Republican elites are “uninteresting and stupid.”

Mikheyev said he was shocked to discover how many Americans believe that Michelle Obama was born a man. He intimated that if they were gullible enough to believe something like that, Tucker’s interview with Putin is bound to have some “interesting” consequences. Solovyov chimed in to add, “It will blow them up into pieces!” During a discussion about the United States, Mikheyev wistfully noted, “God willing, there will be a civil war!” 



Tucker Carlson’s trip to Russia came as a shock to many, except for the Russian propagandists who have been lobbying for the fulfillment of his long-standing wish to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. In recent years, the head of RT Margarita Simonyan pleaded with the Kremlin to make appropriate arrangements, and state TV host Vladimir Solovyov…
posted 1m ago via

On October 7, 2023, a comment by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated that the conflict, which has continued for 75 years, cannot be resolved by force and can be settled exclusively by political and diplomatic means, by engaging in a full-fledged negotiation process based on the well-known international legal framework stipulating…
posted 52m ago via

Published on Feb 07, 2024 09:58 AM IST Hamas has responded to a hostage release deal one week after it was hatched in Paris by the U.S., Qatar, Egypt and Israeli mediators. Hamas responded positively to the deal but maintained its demand for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. While Qatar said it was optimistic that the deal will be implemented,…
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The Israeli prime minister’s office said Tuesday the country’s Mossad spy agency is examining the response of Palestinian resistance group Hamas to a proposed deal to halt the Israeli war on Gaza. File photo: Israel s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, is surrounded by lawmakers at a session of the Knesset, Israel s parliament, in Jerusalem,…
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Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times

Putin, Tucker, and US Elections 2024 – GSSaved ArticlesKremlin Cronies: Putin-Tucker Interview Will ‘Blow Up’ U.S. Electionposted at 08:02:46 UTC via Julia Davis@JuliaDavisNewsTucker Carlson’s trip to Russia came as a shock to many, except for the Russian propagandists who have been lobbying for the fulfillment of his long-standing…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

@mikenov: RT @Robert4787: I’m still reeling from Tucker Carlson praising Putin’s leadership style in 2018- “Why do I care what is going on in the con…I’m still reeling from Tucker Carlson praising Putin’s leadership style in 2018- “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia, which I…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

Putin says Russia is working to free hostages in Gaza conflictposted at 13:00:17 UTC via reuters.comRussian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with government members via a video link in Moscow, Russia, February 7, 2024. Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via REUTERS Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabFeb 7 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin told…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

Putin and Israeli Hostages: I took them, and I will give them back! My honest BEARDED word! -Путин: Я их взял, Я их и отдам! Моё честное бородатое слово!Россия #Путин— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 8, 2024 – Selected Articles – The News And TimesPutin Assures Jewish Leaders On Hostages Held…
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 Putin – Carlson interview 2024 – GSSaved Web Pages Review – The News And Times – TheNewsAndTimes.comThe big problem with Tucker Carlson’s hyped Putin interviewTucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow should have been a big win for both of them.For Putin, it was a chance to explain his justification for the Russian…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

–Путинские ЧастушкиМальчик Вова Весел снова,Полон сил он, и у дел: К нему Карлсон прилетел!Поднялись они на Крышу Что всех звёзд Кремлёвских выше И вели свой разговор: Что почём, и кто есть ворРазговор был исторический, задушевный и лирический:…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 9, 2024 -PostSee new postsConversationMichael…
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posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

Essential questions about the Russia-Hamas link: The evidence and its implicationsposted at 10:35:52 UTC via mei.eduAs the war in Gaza continues to unfold, essential questions about Russian and Iranian support for Hamas remain. They include whether Russia played any role in providing support to Hamas ahead of its Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Evidence available…
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What is Russia’s role in the Israel-Gaza crisis?posted at 07:18:14 UTC via brookings.eduKEVIN HUGGARD:What was Russia’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before Oct. 7? What was its approach to Hamas?FIONA HILL:The Russian approach has changed over time. During the Soviet period and the Cold War, there was a great deal of hostility toward…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

PUTIN – CARLSON STORY: Талант Учителя Истории (или её версии) и талант Президента России – это разные вещи. Российские Общественные Науки – запущены, Историография не осмыслила в должной глубине события и их значения. Это не КГБ-ешные справки собирать у своих помощников. “Не обманешь – не продашь” – эта традиционная национальная Русско-Татарская черта (Путин – Рязанский Татарин) очевидна, но Западный Воробей – стрелянный и перестрелянный, его на ПСЕВДО-ИСТОРИЧЕСКОЙ мякине не проведёшь. Этот “урок истории” был скорее всего рассчитан на домашнюю аудиторию, перед выборами.
 PUTIN – CARLSON STORYPostSee new postsConversationMichael Novakhov@mikenov… И причём: Советской Средней Школы. Талант Учителя Истории (или её версии) и талант Президента России – это разные вещи. Российские Общественные Науки – запущены, Историография не осмыслила в должной глубине события…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times – “TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT!” The News And Times Review #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 12, 2024 –  Tweets – The News And Times Review…
posted 2w ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

Exclusive: Putin’s suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources sayposted on Feb 13 2024 17:58:39 UTC via reuters.comRussian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the Security Council via video link at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia February 13, 2024. Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool…
posted 6d ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

9:03 AM 2/15/2024FBI Director Wray makes surprise Israel stop amid ‘elevated threat picture’posted at 13:50:05 UTC via foxnews.comFBI Director Christopher Wray made an unannounced trip to Israel, where he sat in on intelligence meetings before speaking to Fox News.Wray’s visit was his first time on the ground in Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. The…
posted 5d ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

The Kansas City shooting 2024 may point to the Russian – Jewish – Israeli MOB, which runs the show here, and for quite a long time …PostSee new postsConversationMichael Novakhov@mikenovOne thing, “Gang beef and gang shooting” (on a masking surface), DOES NOT EXCLUDE THE OTHER: Intelligence Services’ (Russian or Israeli, it seems to me) involvement…
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Search inside imagePutin’s Twisted New Torment for Alexei Navalny His Political Nemesis Visit Tweets – The News And Times Review – The News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu…
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 Selected Articles – The News And TimesPutin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu As Israel Plans Rafah Op | ReportPublished on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the…
posted 22h ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

Search inside imageRussian Fascist Party – WikipediaVisitRussia was and still is enslaved by the FASCIST KGB, under whatever names it is now. Putin is just their front man and figurehead, struggling to project power and stay relevant. This is the essence. DESTROY THE FASCIST RUSSIA AND ITS FASCIST KGB! OR THEY WILL DESTROY YOU! It is that simple.The…
posted 1h ago by Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) via The News And Times

DESTROY THE FASCIST RUSSIA AND ITS FASCIST KGB!— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 20, 2024
posted 44m ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

SKIP ADVERTISEMENTCredit…Illustration by The New York Times; Photographs by Clive Rose, Alexander Nemenov and Kirill Kudryavtsev, via Getty ImagesBy Timothy Snyder阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版Leer en españolFascism was never defeated as an idea.As a cult of irrationality and violence, it could not be vanquished as an argument: So long as Nazi Germany seemed strong,…
posted 13m ago via”An arrangement with the Palestinians will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.” Then start these negotiations, and now: with Abbas and others. Delays will not achieve anything. If you want the unitary…
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US President Joe Biden said House Republicans are “making a big mistake” in not responding to Russian aggression with more security funding for Ukraine. Biden added he’s willing to meet with House Speaker Mike Johnson about the matter “if he has anything to say.” #CNN #News
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“With or without a permanent settlement, Israel will maintain full security control over the entire area west of Jordan,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday.”This, of course, includes Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip,” he clarified. 
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Published on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the Kremlin spokesperson as saying that Abbas has an open invitation. The development comes at a time when Russia…
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Türkiye is influential on a global scale today. Not only in our region but also worldwide, many issues depend on Türkiye’s position
posted 22h ago via AzeriTimes

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan made press statements
posted 22h ago via AzeriTimes

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev have met on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, in their first direct talks in over seven months. Saturday’s meeting was mediated by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who met with both Pashinyan and Aliyev individually beforehand. All three meetings were focused…
posted 22h ago via
Pashinyan and Aliyev meet at Munich Security Conference  OC Media

GlobalFoundries intends to use funding to help pay for construction of new advanced chip factory in Malta, New York, and revitalize its plant in Burlington, Vermont.
posted 22h ago via Home –

Published on Feb 13, 2024 03:42 PM IST Russia has reportedly invited Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit Moscow and meet with president Vladimir Putin. Russia’s state news agency, RIA, reported the Kremlin spokesperson as saying that Abbas has an open invitation. The development comes at a time when Russia is locked…
posted 23h ago via

The chemical attack in London and the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl in Italy have brought back the focus on the rising crimes committed by illegal migrants in Western countries. There has been an influx of illegal migration in the West for several years and crimes such as rape, terrorism, and theft are on the rise. WION’s Harshit Sabarwal tells you…
posted 23h ago by WION via WION
That what the problem is!#FBI – FBI HIRES former KGB agents and informants – Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 19, 2024 The post @mikenov: That what the problem is! #FBI – FBI HIRES former KGB agents and informants first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence…
Jake Sullivan says the U.S. is engaging with allies, and Russia, on the space threat  North Country Public RadioThe post Jake Sullivan says the U.S. is engaging with allies, and Russia, on the space threat – North Country Public Radio first appeared on JOSSICA – The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.
How Biden Can Win  The Nation
posted 23h ago via “Biden” – Google News

The Atesh underground resistance movement has stated that many new Russian soldiers arrived in Dzhankoi in temporarily occupied Crimea, some of them wearing Wagner Group patches.Source: Atesh on TelegramQuote from Atesh: “Among those who just arrived, we noticed the signs of the notorious Wagner Group.Photo: Atesh on Telegram. COLLAGE: UPWe also spotted…
posted 23h ago via
Wagner Group soldiers arrive in occupied Dzhankoi, Crimea – photo  Yahoo News
This Is The Next Trump Case That Could Punish Him Financially  Forbes
posted 23h ago via “Trump” – Google News

With the South Carolina Republican presidential primary looming, former President Donald Trump is facing more legal troubles after he is ordered by a New York City court to pay over $350 million in penalties for fraud.
posted 23h ago via Home –

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to “finish the job” of destroying Hamas and rescuing hostages as Israeli forces gears up for a possible ground assault in Rafah, in southern Gaza.
posted 23h ago via Home –

More than 350 people were arrested over the weekend in Russia as they mourned the death of opposition leader Alexey Navalny in a prison camp. Russian officials say he died suddenly but they have not released his body or announced the cause of his death.
posted 23h ago via Home –

War cabinet minister Benny Gantz said Israeli forces would expand military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah if hostages held by Hamas are not returned by the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.Some Palestinians have fled Rafah for the central city of Deir al-Balah, but strikes there killed dozens of people over the weekend, according…
posted 1d ago via

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posted 1d ago via

Navalny’s sudden death carries all the hallmarks of the Putin regime. The Kremlin won’t take responsibility because it doesn’t need to. Every time a Putin opponent is killed — a journalist, a politician, or an activist — the Kremlin presents the same line of defense: the victim was so insignificant that Putin would hardly have bothered to bloody his…
posted 1d ago via

The unexpected federal indictment Thursday of an FBI informant at the center of one of the Biden impeachment allegations created whiplash inside the media and Congress. After all, just a few short months earlier, FBI Director Christopher Wray had vouched for the source, Alexander Smirnov, telling lawmakers his name shouldn’t be disclosed because he…
posted 2d ago via
The FBI has arrested a Capitol riot suspect who boasted on TV that she ‘would do it again tomorrow’  AOL
Jeffrey Epstein victims sue FBI for alleged failure to investigate ‘sex trafficking ring for the elite’  FOX 10 News Phoenix
posted 2d ago via “fbi” – Google News
He has also repeatedly cast them as an attack on his supporters. “These repulsive abuses of power are not just an attack on me, they’re really an …

For almost half a century, the Camp David Accords signed in 1978 between Egypt and Israel, has been viewed by many as a cornerstone of regional stability. But after Israel attacked Rafah and with the risk of Israel’s invasion increasing, Egypt threatened to suspend the peace treaty it signed in 1979. Let’s rewind and tell you about how the peace treaty…
posted 2d ago by WION via WION

Pressure is mounting on Israel for ceasefire. Several leaders from the United States, Australia, Canada, UK, EU, Jordan joined growing calls for Israel to pause and back off from a planned ground offensive in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, urging a humanitarian ceasefire. #Ceasefire #Rafah #Israel About Channel: WION The World is One News…
posted 2d ago by WION via WION

Israel is ignoring the tremendous toll of homegrown pro-enemy propaganda on Israel’s diplomatic and military position abroad and at home. Why is this allowed during a war? Op-ed.
posted 2d ago via Arutz Sheva News
G7 countries accuse Russia of nuclear blackmail  APA
posted 2d ago by watzlvoj via Bloggers, Unite!
Statement on the Passing of Alexey Navalny by Ambassador Lynne Tracy  U.S. Embassy Moscow

Жителей нескольких многоэтажек эвакуировали.
posted 2d ago by Ирина Аннегарн via Аргументы и Факты
Ex-US government informant gets life over Haiti president’s murder  Yahoo News Canada
Vladimir Putin Surprising Endorsement: Preferring Joe Biden in 2024 US Election | World News  Times of India
Biden blames ‘congressional inaction’ for Ukrainian withdrawal of key town in call with Zelensky
Russia’s last politician: Navalny’s death is an important milestone, which shows that Russia cannot get rid of Putin’s …  The Insider
posted 2d ago via “putinism” – Google News
Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling  The Wall Street JournalThe post Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling – The Wall Street Journal first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
posted 2d ago by via Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times
Trump’s legal woes have now set him back by more than $500m – how will he pay?  The Guardian USThe post Trump’s legal woes have now set him back by more than $500m – how will he pay? – The Guardian US first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
posted 2d ago by via Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times
‘Yes Jared, we’re still doing this’: Tapper reacts to Kushner’s comments about Saudi crown prince  MSNThe post ‘Yes Jared, we’re still doing this’: Tapper reacts to Kushner’s comments about Saudi crown prince – MSN first appeared on Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times.
posted 2d ago by via Trump And Trumpism – The News And Times
Israel-Gaza war: Latest ceasefire talks not very promising – Qatar  BBC.comHamas leader Haniyeh blames Israel for Gaza ceasefire delays  Al Jazeera EnglishMediator says talks on Gaza not ‘progressing as expected’ after momentum in recent weeks  The Associated Press
posted 2d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Netanyahu Dismisses Early Election Calls As Thousands Protest In Israel  NDTV
Netanyahu halted Gaza truce talks over ‘delusional’ Hamas demands  The Union Leader
Russia’s Dangerous New Friends: How Moscow Is Partnering With the Axis of Resistance  Foreign Affairs Magazine
Israel Hits Iran’s Gas Pipelines – Officials  EA WorldView
posted 2d ago via “Iran” – Google News
Benjamin Netanyahu remains defiant over criticism of possible Rafah offensive  Sky News
Talks stalled as Netanyahu calls Hamas demands ‘delusional’  Yahoo News
Israel protests demand Netanyahu bring Hamas hostages home from Gaza  The Washington Post
Egypt preparing safe areas for Gaza refugees, foreign minister says  The Guardian
posted 2d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Hamas fights with a patchwork of weapons built by Iran, China, Russia and North Korea  Albuquerque Journal
Where Are Hamas Weapons Made? – I24NEWS  i24NEWS
TRANSCRIPT: Former Secretary Pompeo holds press conference at site of Nova music festival massacre  All Israel News
South Israel was filled with blood, death. Brilliant red flowers now bloom among ashes  The Times of Israel
Advocates warn that time is running out for more than 100 hostages who have been held in Gaza for 19 weeks.
posted 2d ago by Steve Hendrix and Heidi Levine via Washington Post
“Большая семерка” будет искать возможность помочь Украине получить компенсацию от РФ и блокировать активы России в своих юрисдикциях, пока Москва не возместит Киеву причиненный ущерб.
Владимир Путин об интервью Карлсону: «Полного удовольствия я не получил»  БИЗНЕС Online
FBI informant charged with lying about Joe and Hunter Biden’s ties to Ukrainian company  WWMT-TV
US readies new weapons shipment to Israel; embassy says no human rights concerns  The Times of Israel
posted 2d ago via “israel” – Google News
Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch. Donate to Palmer Report. Never miss an article: sign up for the free Palmer Report mailing list here —– Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis. Now we’re gearing up to cover the 2024 election, up and down the ballot. Help support Palmer Report’s 2024 efforts by donating now. Will…
posted 2d ago by AudioPosts via Audio Posts
Former President Trump unveiled $400 official “Never Surrender” sneakers at Philly’s Sneaker Con event on Saturday.  Trump debuted a line of tennis shoes called Trump Sneakers during his speech at the Sneaker Con event, which attracts shoe enthusiasts from around the country.  The lineup consists of two pairs. The more expensive shoe is the gold-colored…
posted 2d ago by AudioPosts via Audio Posts
JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday dismissed the idea of holding early elections, while thousands of Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv for an anti-government protest.  Netanyahu has seen his popularity plummet in opinion polls since Hamas’ October 7 terror attack that sparked the devastating Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.  Anti-government…
posted 2d ago by AudioPosts via Audio Posts
Trump Launches $399 Sneaker Brand A Day After $355 Million Verdict Against Him  HuffPost
Trump has been ordered to pay $355 million US. What happens if he doesn’t?  CBC News
posted 2d ago via trump – Google News

Activist filmed punching a right-wing activist who was standing in front of him during the left-wing protest on Kaplan Street. He was later located.
posted 2d ago via Arutz Sheva News

Former FBI special agent Nicole Parker reacts to the five migrants who attacked NYPD officers being held on bail and discusses Biden’s alleged business dealings.  Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC) is a…
posted 2d ago by Fox News via Fox News

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he would rather see President Biden stay in office as opposed to former President Trump, describing the incumbent as “more predictable” than his GOP challenger. Asked by journalist Pavel Zarubin for his 2024 election preference, Putin said, “Biden. He has more experience, and he is more predictable too, an old…
posted 2d ago via

Last night on BBC Radio I heard a Russian soldier who is fighting in Ukraine describe what he and his colleagues are doing there as fighting “a holy war” for Mother Russia. That reminded me of something I’ve been wanting to blog about for a few days: this analysis by John Schindler, who contends that there is a nationalistic-religious dimension to…
posted 2d ago via

A former FBI informant is charged with lying to officials about the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine.Alexander Smirnov was indicted by a federal grand jury on Thursday for allegedly making false statements and manufacturing false records.The charges were announced by Special Counsel David Weiss, who has charged Hunter Biden with tax fraud…
posted 2d ago via

WASHINGTON — An FBI informant has been charged with fabricating a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company, a claim that is central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress.Alexander Smirnov falsely reported to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian…
posted 2d ago via

Vladimir Putin could face a coup or revolution, an insider has claimed. (Image: Getty)Vladimir Putin will face a “revolution” and “coup attempt” in Russia if the war in Ukraine continues on its current course, the Russian President’s former speechwriter told Daily Express US.Russia and Ukraine continue to fight in the east of the country, with Moscow’s…
posted 4d ago via
Vladimir Putin facing ‘revolution’ as insider warns of ‘coup’ in Russia  Express
Donald Trump Is Blessed With the Very Best Enemies  Newsweek
posted 4d ago via “Opinions” – Google News
Netanyahu rejects international pressure for Palestinian state  Yahoo News
A Solution to the Netanyahu Quandary | Yosef Zohar | The Blogs  The Times of Israel
Egypt setting up area at Gaza border which could be used to shelter Palestinians-sources  Yahoo News
posted 4d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Sattelite images show Egypt building a wall near Gaza Strip border, clearing land  The Times of Israel
posted 4d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Azerbaijan falsely accuses Armenia of border shooting  ARMENPRESS
posted 4d ago via “Armenia” – Google News

Special counsel David Weiss charged a former FBI informant with lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, undercutting a major aspect of Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president. Alexander Smirnov, 43,…
posted 4d ago by Mike Nova via The News And Times Review

Tal Schneider on blowback from Netanyahu’s unilateral halt to hostage talks, how all 120 MKs view haredi conscription; Jessica Steinberg on ramped up hostage families’ efforts The post Daily Briefing Feb 16: Day 133 – PM ‘categorically’ rejects an imposed Palestinian state appeared first on The Times of Israel.
posted 4d ago via The Times of Israel

Spokesman John Kirby says technology poses no immediate threat, calls leak by Republican Rep. Mike Turner ‘regrettable’ The post White House confirms Russia obtained ‘troubling’ emerging anti-satellite weapon appeared first on The Times of Israel.
posted 4d ago via The Times of Israel

Украинский вице-премьер по вопросам европейской и евроатлантической интеграции Ольга Стефанишина заявила, что финансирование Киева в рамках его борьбы против Москвы является национальным интересом США. Она также выразила надежду на то, что конгресс все же одобрит новый пакет помощи Украине. Читайте ИноСМИ в нашем канале…
posted 4d ago via ИноСМИ

Special counsel David Weiss charged a former FBI informant with lying about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, undercutting a major aspect of Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president. …
posted 4d ago via

WASHINGTON — An FBI informant has been indicted on two counts for allegedly feeding the bureau false information about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden during the 2020 presidential campaign.Alexander Smirnov, 43, disliked Joe Biden and was arrested in Las Vegas after returning from a trip overseas, according to the Justice Department. The…
posted 4d ago via

SKIP ADVERTISEMENTThe LatestWhat We KnowThe VictimsChaos at a Super Bowl CelebrationKansas City Players ReactThe authorities said they had taken three people into custody, including two people who were younger than 18. The shooting left one person dead and 22 more injured.VideotranscriptCrowds Flee Scene of Shooting Near Kansas City Super Bowl ParadeThe…
posted 4d ago via

Remarks as prepared for delivery It’s an honor to join all of you here today. For the past decade, this conference has given leaders from around the world and throughout industry, academia, and government the chance not just to talk about some of the biggest challenges we face—in other words, to share the bad news…
posted 4d ago via

The United States is considering imposing sanctions on Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.According to the report, the US was preparing a package of sanctions that would include actions taken against the two far-right ministers who are influential members…
posted 4d ago via

FBI Director Christopher Wray made an unannounced trip to Israel, where he sat in on intelligence meetings before speaking to Fox News.Wray’s visit was his first time on the ground in Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. The FBI director met with his counterparts in Israel’s Shin Bet (Israeli intelligence) and others. He spoke to Fox News before boarding…
posted 5d ago via

The director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation made an unannounced trip to Israel to meet with the country’s law and intelligence agencies as it fights a bloody war in Gaza, the FBI said Wednesday.Christopher Wray also met with FBI agents based in Tel Aviv, according to a statement from the bureau, stressing the importance of their work on…
posted 5d ago via

The FBI has committed to not using Pegasus spyware in its operations, a source told Fox News, after FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers back in March the bureau did not intend to use it against U.S. persons or “for any purpose” in the future.The FBI has come under scrutiny in recent months after it purchased a license to use the highly effective…
posted 5d ago via

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk claimed to have documentation that proves previous government authorities unlawfully used Pegasus spyware to target numerous hacking victims.Tusk made the comment during a news briefing alongside President Andrzej Duda, a political opponent.The University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab uncovered that several Polish opponents…
posted 5d ago via

Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year]   WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s new prime minister said Tuesday he has documentation proving that state authorities under the previous government used the powerful Pegasus spyware illegally and targeted a “very…
posted 5d ago via

SKIP ADVERTISEMENTAlaska state health officials said that a man died last month of the virus, which occurs mostly in small mammals and causes lesions. There have been seven reported human cases since 2015.The Alaskapox virus is normally found in small mammals, including red-backed voles like the one above.Credit…Michael Penn/The Juneau Empire, via…
posted 5d ago via

posted 5d ago by The Associated Press via Associated Press Bulletins
Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность
posted 5d ago by RFE/RL via Аудионовости

Give us 5 minutes, and we’ll give you the world. Around the clock, Voice of America keeps you in touch with the latest news. We bring you reports from our correspondents and interviews with newsmakers from across the world.
posted 5d ago via Voice of America – English
AP correspondent Donna Warder reports on NATO’s response to Donald Trump’s comments on the U.S. commitment to its allies.
posted 5d ago by The Associated Press via AP Audio Wire
NPR News: 02-14-2024 11AM ESTLearn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
posted 5d ago by NPR via NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast
AP correspondent Julie Walker reports on Election 2024 House New York
posted 5d ago by The Associated Press via AP Audio Wire

| Published: February 14, 2024   The Israeli delegation to hostage negotiations in Cairo, Egypt, returned late Tuesday evening without any breakthrough in the stalled talks. The talks involved representatives from the US, Egypt, Israel, and Qatar, who is acting as a mediator for the Hamas terror group. The Israeli delegation was to consist…
posted 5d ago via

Ahead of the March presidential elections in Russia, President Vladimir Putin spoke in Moscow with Tucker Carlson, a conservative American journalist and former Fox News host who now runs a personal news site. Carlson announced the interview on February 6 in a controversial video post on X, saying it took bravery to conduct an interview with Putin…
posted 6d ago via

В преддверии президентских выборов в России Такер Карлсон, бывший телеведущий Fox News, а в настоящее время – комментатор и видеоблогер, имеющий личный новостной сайт – представил всем в начале февраля «интервью с Владимиром Путиным в Москве». Карлсон объявил об этом 6 февраля в скандальном видеопосте на X (бывший Твиттер – прим. ред.), заявив,…
posted 6d ago via
Bibi to Biden: I want hostage deal, but Hamas demands are non-starter  The Jerusalem Post
Israel-Gaza live updates: Netanyahu says negotiations can move forward when Hamas drops ‘delusional demands’  ABC News
Israel’s Future Is Tied to the Hostages’ Fate – and Netanyahu Doesn’t Get It – Opinion  Haaretz
Netanyahu declares ‘victory is within reach’ as Hamas reduced to ‘last remaining bastion’  Yahoo News
Procrastination Is the Specialty of Netanyahu’s Paralyzed Israeli Government – Opinion  Haaretz
Biden, Do the Right Thing. Push Israel and Netanyahu Hard Now for a Cease-Fire in Gaza.  Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
Biden, you can’t call our PM an a***hole – only we can – editorial  The Jerusalem Post
Netanyahu is slowly regaining support; Gantz is losing momentum  The Jerusalem Post
Rafah Offensive Threatens To Break Fragile Biden-Netanyahu Ties – OpEd  Eurasia Review
Netanyahu Says ‘There’s Plenty of Room’ in the North for Displaced Palestinians as Israel’s Military Plans to Push …  Yahoo Entertainment
Biden admin. investigating Israel war crimes despite saying opposite  The Jerusalem Post
Israel’s Delegation to Cairo Hostage Talks Has Limited Leeway – and Netanyahu Is in No Rush for a Deal – Israel News  Haaretz
Opinion | Netanyahu Is Turning Against Biden  The New York Times
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu rejects Hamas truce terms, vows to fight until ‘absolute victory’  The Hindu
Different strokes: Biden and Trump are not the same on conflict  New York Daily News
It’s Time ultra-Orthodox Politicians End Their Devotion to Netanyahu – Opinion  Haaretz
Netanyahu said seeking to outlaw publication of security cabinet leaks  The Times of Israel
Putin Invites Palestine Leader To Russia, ‘Ignores’ Netanyahu Amid War | Report  Hindustan Times
Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Clip: New Report Claims Biden Increasingly Frustrated with Prime Minister Netanyahu  NBC Insider

ALBAWABA – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is set to visit Israel for the fifth time to take part in the latest Gaza ceasefire talks…
posted 6d ago via Al Bawaba – Daily Headlines

ALBAWABA – US Federal Prosecutes made a court filing last Friday asking a US District Judge to permit the auction of Amadea, a $300 million yacht seized from sanctioned Russian billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, holding a net worth of $9…
posted 6d ago via Al Bawaba – Daily Headlines

Libya, the Gaza war and bilateral ties are set to top Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s meeting during the first such visit since 2012.
posted 6d ago by Ezgi Akin via Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East

ALBAWABA – In a historic visit, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has arrived in Cairo, Egypt for the first visit in over a decade…
posted 6d ago via Al Bawaba – Daily Headlines
Video: Yahya Sinwar’s luxurious bedroom under Gaza tunnel, millions of cash, perfume bottles, and more  Times of India
posted 6d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Top Hamas chief in Gaza – and suspected mastermind of Oct. 7 attacks – seen in new video fleeing in tunnel with …  New York Post
posted 6d ago via “Gaza” – Google News

Survey also shows more than half of opposition supporters want elections within three months as opposed to 66% of coalition supporters, who prefer vote this autumn The post Israelis would choose to destroy Hamas over releasing hostages, poll finds appeared first on The Times of Israel.
posted 6d ago via The Times of Israel
Migrant accused in attack on NYPD officers arrested again for shoplifting  The Citizen
posted 6d ago via “nypd” – Google News

House Impeaches Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas | Mike Johnson LIVE | News18 Live The House of Representatives has narrowly voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, making him the first cabinet member to face impeachment in nearly 150 years. Many Republicans blame Mr Mayorkas for an unprecedented influx of…
posted 6d ago by CNN-News18 via IBNLive
White House says Johnson is in a ‘dizzying border security tailspin’  msnNOW
“A living martyr”: Pope Francis pays tribute to Cardinal imprisoned for three decades  Malaysian Christian News
Russia will only negotiate peace with Ukraine once the Zelensky regime is liquidated  London Loves Business
posted 6d ago via “zelensky” – Google News
Rampant COVID Poses New Challenges in the Fifth Year of the Pandemic  Scientific American
posted 6d ago via “COVID” – Google News
NYPD seek suspect in antisemitic bat attack on Staten Island  FOX 5 New York
posted 6d ago via “NYPD” – Google News
NYPD Times Square attack: Teen suspected in assault on 2 NYPD officers arrested for shoplifting  WABC-TV
posted 6d ago via “NYPD” – Google News

Moment Ukraine Claims to Destroys Russian Warship in the Black Sea The footage in this video shows Ukrainian forces destroying the Russian Navy’s Kunikov large landing ship with naval drones.   Powerful explosions could be heard early on Wednesday morning, according to local social media.   The Telegram channel “Crimean Wind” published several…
posted 6d ago by On Demand News via ODN

Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond – latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel. READ MORE : Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE…
posted 6d ago by euronews via euronews (in English)

Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of the Security Council via video link at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia February 13, 2024. Sputnik/Alexander Kazakov/Pool via REUTERS /File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW/LONDON, Feb 13 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s suggestion…
posted 6d ago via
Israelis grapple with ‘broken’ security promise since Hamas attack  Yahoo News
Mali: ex-Wagner army and fighters invest in the Intahaka gold mine  Agenzia Nova
Russia and Hamas: a strategic alliance of convenience  The Cradle

The President held, via videoconference, a briefing session with permanent members of the Security Council. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Anton Vaino, Secretary of the Security…
posted 6d ago by Presidential Press and Information Office via Kremlin.Ru: Unified Wire Service

Russia is preparing for a military confrontation with the West within the next decade and could be deterred by a counter buildup of armed forces, Estonia’s Foreign Intelligence Service said. A growing number of Western officials have warned of a military threat from Russia to countries along the eastern flank of NATO, calling for Europe to get prepared…
posted 6d ago by CNN-News18 via IBNLive
John Bolton: Trump’s Just Totally Making Stuff Up Now  The New Republic
Russian court sentences sociologist to five years for criticizing war  The Washington Post
CIA Director William Burns Flew To Join Hamas And Israel teams For Negotiations | N18V | News18  News18
Ex-commando turned hassid bridges secular-religious divide  Cleveland Jewish News
Haredim should join the IDF, but coercion will not work – Shas source  The Jerusalem Post
Book review – Talmud Reclaimed: An Ancient Text in the Modern Era
The New American Judaism  The Atlantic
The New American Judaism  MSN
Leah Finkelstein wants Orthodox Jews of colour to feel welcome—so she’s offering to take them to shul  The Canadian Jewish News
After the October 7 cataclysm, has the Haredi attitude to serving in the IDF changed?  The Times of Israel
Likud minister, MKs appear to call on IDF to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews  The Jerusalem Post

Passers-by call Tali Haddad a heroine when she shows them the place in the Israeli town of Ofakim where she saved 12 people from Hamas fighters on October 7, including her own son.The attack that day caught residents by surprise in her normally peaceful neighbourhood, where some walls are still riddled with bullet holes.More than 40 people were killed…
US negotiating a hostage deal as Israel expands offensive in Gaza  TODAY
posted 6d ago via “israel” – Google News
Senate passes $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan after rare all-night session
posted 6d ago via “israel” – Google News
Yahya Sinwar seen hiding inside Gaza tunnel in footage found by Israel  The Jerusalem Post
posted 6d ago via “israel” – Google News
Dem Senator Calls Israeli Leadership “War Criminals,” Votes to Send Them $14 Billion Anyway  The Intercept
posted 6d ago via “israel” – Google News
Al Jazeera Says 2 Journalists Critically Injured In Israeli Strike On Gaza  NDTV
posted 6d ago via “Gaza” – Google News
Has Joe Biden finally had enough of Benjamin Netanyahu?  The Telegraph
Trump begs Putin attack non-paying NATO members and Netanyahu’s apocalyptic desire to invade Rafah
Middle East latest: Hezbollah issues new warning to Israel; UN won’t cooperate with ‘non-voluntary’ evacuation of Rafah  Sky News
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Как Горбачёва сделали Генеральным секретарем. Закулисная политическая борьба 1984-85 года

Считается, что назначение Михаила Сергеевича на высшую должность руководителя страны было безальтернативным и безоговорочным. Но это не правда. Еще при жизни Черненко на протяжении нескольких месяцев в Политбюро закулисно обсуждались разные кандидатуры преемника. Кроме Горбачева назывались кандидатуры Гришина, Громыко, Романова, Тихонова и Щербицкого.

После смерти Черненко, за пост генерального секретаря разгорелась серьезная внутрипартийная борьба. Против Горбачёва выступала группа престарелых членов Политбюро. И лишь со второй попытки удалось протолкнуть Михаила Сергеевича на пост генсека.

Но кто были те люди, которые возвели Горбачева на самую вершину власти?

Кто, по утверждению Горбачева, должен был стать преемником Андропова на посту генерального секретаря партии?

Почему Михаил Сергеевич, будучи выдвиженцем Андропова, смог набрать политический вес при Черненко, ведь он был политическим противником Андропова?

Как Горбачев стал при Черненко фактически его правой рукой?

Кого это не устраивало в Политбюро, и как был подавлен антигорбачевский «мини-путч»?

В начале января 1985 года Черненко вновь слег в ЦКБ и больше из нее уже не вышел.

Какие слухи о преемнике Черненко ходили в высших советских политических кругах в этот период?

Кого Черненко попросил «все взять в свои руки»?

Почему для продвижения Горбачева была сделана ставка на Громыко?

Как вели переговоры с Громыко?

Кто продвигал Горбачева на пост генсека?

Какие странности были в смерти Черненко?

Чем Горбачев был обязан главному кремлевскому врачу Евгению Чазову?

Что сыграло решающую роль в назначении Горбачёва на пост генсека?

Почему Щербицкий не смог вовремя прибыть на историческое заседание Политбюро?

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Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics]

50 Best Jazz Classics [Smooth Jazz, Jazz Classics]

PLAYaudio presents 50 of the greatest Jazz Classics of all time in one compilation.


00:03:04 Dream A Little Dream of Me 2′ 50″ KAHN G.,ANDRE F.,SCHWANDT W. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO



00:15:55 Teach Me Tonight 4′ 12″ DE PAUL G.,CAHN S. PHIL HARPER,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO





00:35:07 I Fall In Love Too Easily 3′ 52″ STYNE J.,CAHN S. MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO,SILVIA DONATI



00:45:50 Body and soul 5′ 09″ GREEN J.,EYTON F.,HEYMAN E.,SOUR R. JERRY WELDON 4TET



01:00:44 Lullaby Of Birdland 2′ 10″ SHEARING G.,WEISS G. LA DOLCE VITA JAZZ QUARTET

01:02:54 Autumn Leaves 2′ 14″ KOSMA J.,PREVERT J. LA DOLCE VITA JAZZ QUARTET




01:16:35 Song For My Father 6′ 03″ SILVER H. MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO,CESARE MECCA


01:25:17 My Baby Just Cares For Me 3′ 22″ SIMONE N. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ


01:33:52 Freddie the Freeloader 3′ 18″ DAVIS M. MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO,CESARE MECCA

01:37:10 Fly Me to the Moon 2′ 23″ HOWARD B. LA DOLCE VITA JAZZ QUARTET

01:39:33 Love me or leave me 3′ 11″ DONALDSON W.,KAHN G. MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO,SILVIA DONATI


01:46:42 My Funny Valentine 5′ 14″ RODGERS R.,HART L. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO

01:51:56 On The Sunny Side of the Street 3′ 43″ MC HUGH J.,FIELDS D. GRETA MIRALL,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO






02:15:45 Corcovado 4′ 18″ JOBIM A. DENISE KING, MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO






02:46:36 Night and Day 2′ 31″ PORTER C. DENISE KING,MASSIMO FARAÒ TRIO



02:57:38 Blue Train 3′ 06″ COLTRANE J. JERRY WELDON 4TET


03:03:46 Besame Mucho 3′ 20″ VELASQUEZ C. JERRY WELDON 4TET

03:07:10 Take Five 2′ 19″ DESMOND P. JAZZSET ORCHESTRA

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Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – Napoleon Northwest Signal

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  Napoleon Northwest Signal

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey – KTBS

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey  KTBS

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey –

NYPD: Robbers steal $51000 worth of Gucci merchandise in Manhattan; last seen taking tunnel into New Jersey

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles

VIDEO: NYPD cops attacked making arrest at Randall’s Island migrant shelter – New York Daily News

VIDEO: NYPD cops attacked making arrest at Randall’s Island migrant shelter  New York Daily News