(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: My Opinion: Mr. Biden does not have to demonstrate that he has a 100% of mental or cognitive acuity; no one single person has it all of the time. However, his team and his aides as the “collective Presidency”, have this acuity.

The News And Times Blog

My Opinion: Mr. Biden does not have to demonstrate that he has a 100% of mental or cognitive acuity; no one single person has it all of the time. However, his team and his aides as the “collective Presidency”, have this acuity.

Biden delivers Memorial Day address at Arlington National Cemetery

My Opinion: Mr. Biden does not have to demonstrate that he has a 100% of mental or cognitive acuity; no one single person has it all of the time. However, his team and his aides as the “collective Presidency”, have this acuity. They did an excellent job this first term, and there should not be any doubts that the same skills will be in the play the second term.  

Joe Biden one year: How is he doing so far?

Mr. Biden is the symbol and the banner for America and the World. His political instincts are always and 100% correct, they are the embodiment of the American spirit and the Idea, and that what counts. 

Furthermore, if the hostile attempt was made, possibly with the use of the Directed Energy Weapon during or prior to the Debates, to affect the state of his cognitive functioning and performance, as it reasonably suspected, these suspicions and concerns become the real front and center issue, which is the obvious and the very real threat to the American Democracy and to the democratic systems of governing worldwide.

Michael Novakhov | 7.10.24 

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Путин заключил Моди в “ядерные объятия”. Запад просчитывает последствия

Видео, на котором Владимир Путин катает премьер-министра Индии Нарендру Моди по своей резиденции за рулем мини-электромобиля, как нельзя лучше иллюстрирует близкую дружбу этих двух лидеров.

Спорный визит Моди в Москву — признак того, что санкции Запада и попытки изолировать Путина из-за его войны возымели лишь весьма скромный эффект.

Но выбор электромобиля для поездки по богатой нефтью России таит в себе и иной подтекст: отношения Моди и Путина, окрепшие из-за санкций США и Европы против российской нефти и газа, теперь “позеленели”. Мало того — они стали еще и ядерными.

Моди, глава крупнейшей в мире демократии, поддержал Путина, сделав Индию одним из немногих верных потребителей российской нефти и газа на протяжении двухлетнего конфликта на Украине. Во вторник в ходе визита Моди российские СМИ сообщили, что страны ведут переговоры о строительстве в Индии шести новых мощных ядерных реакторов, а также малых атомных электростанций нового поколения.

При всех разногласиях вокруг ядерной энергетики, благодаря нулевому выбросу углерода для многих странах она становится главным ответом на климатический кризис. Развернулась глобальная гонка за строительство атомных электростанций и поставками топлива в разные части света, и Россия по многим показателям выигрывает.

“С коммерческой точки зрения у России не очень ладится с производством целого ряда вещей, но у нее есть обширные природные ресурсы и мощные ядерные традиции, восходящие еще к советским временам, и именно этим она сейчас и пользуется, — объяснила старший научный сотрудник Инициативы трансатлантической безопасности при Атлантическом совете Элизабет Бро. — Очевидно, что Кремль решил, что это хорошая идея, и многие страны стремятся расширить выработку ядерной энергии. И, как и в случае с экспортом нефти, в их числе оказалась Индия”.

Господство в области ядерной энергетики помогает Путину сохранить позиции на мировой арене, даже при том, что США и Европа дистанцировались от него из-за спецоперации на Украине. Моди же явно придерживается давней индийской традиции неприсоединения, которая позволяет ей торговать с Россией и оставаться при этом другом Запада.

Складывается ощущение, что эта дружба — надолго. Углубление ядерного сотрудничества путем постройки шести новых АЭС свяжет страны на десятилетия вперед. На строительство самих станций уйдут годы, и к тому же они потребуют регулярного обслуживания, технологических нововведений и постоянной заправки ураном, которого в России предостаточно.

Запрет США на российский уран

Россия проиграла Китаю гонку за возобновляемые технологии и сильно отстает от США в энергетическом переходе: ветровых и солнечных мощностей у нее довольно мало. Вместо этого Москва сделала ставку на экспорт атомных технологий ради дохода и влияния, предлагая обширную линейку: от обычных ядерных реакторов до небольших модульных реакторов следующего поколения и урана повышенного обогащения, оставаясь его единственным мировым производителем в промышленных масштабах.

США осознают всю серьезность этой проблемы. Администрация Байдена пытается соперничать с Россией в продаже ядерных технологий за границу, однако поначалу не включала уран в антироссийские санкции, поскольку США сами сильно зависели от него в выработке собственной ядерной энергии. Вашингтон сменил курс лишь в мае, запретив импорт российского урана, и стремится как можно быстрее развивать собственные мощности для производства урана повышенного обогащения для реакторов следующего поколения.

“Россия — мировой лидер по проектам строительства атомных электростанций в других странах, и российское правительство очень активно привлекает международных партнеров к сотрудничеству в области гражданской атомной энергетики, — сказал Алан Ан, заместитель директора программы по ядерной энергии, климату и энергетике исследовательской организации “Третий путь” со штаб-квартирой в Вашингтоне.

“Другим странам сложно взять и оторваться от мощной рыночной позиции, которую Россия выстраивала десятилетиями”, — сказал он, добавив, что для уменьшения глобального влияния России в области ядерной энергетики США необходимо “разрабатывать коммерчески конкурентоспособную продукцию”.

Однако ни поездка на электромобиле, ни сделка по развитию “экологически чистой” ядерной энергетики еще не говорят о том, что Россия и Индия в ближайшее время планируют отказаться от ископаемого топлива или станут климатическими лидерами.

Индия — третий в мире источник выбросов парниковых газов, разоревающих планету, а Россия — четвертый. Вероятно, страны не только продолжат торговлю нефтью и газом, но и попытаются извлечь выгоду из стремительного таяния льдов Арктики, ситуация в которой ухудшается из-за глобального потепления.

Российские и индийские делегаты во вторник обсудили возможности использования Северного морского пути — все более перспективного из-за таяния арктических льдов. Это более быстрый способ добраться из западной части России в Индию, чем через южные моря, и, по прогнозам, к 2050 году весь его фарватер будет свободен ото льда. По иронии судьбы, ископаемое топливо, один из основных грузов на маршруте — основная причина перемены климата.

“Индия ведет себя очень прагматично и, честно говоря, даже немного оппортунистски, — сказала Бро. — Если предоставляется возможность улучшить отношения с Россией в области, где вам за это ничего не будет, то в этом нет никакого вреда. Участие же Индии в более тесном сотрудничестве в Арктике пойдет лишь на пользу”.

Она добавила, что Индия также извлекает значительную выгоду из переработки российской сырой нефти.

“Для Индии это хороший дополнительный доход, которым она раньше не располагала, — сказала Бро. — Поэтому индийский подход таков: почему бы и нет?”

Автор: Анджела Деван (Angela Dewan).

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Israeli forces destroy parts of occupied West Bank town in raid


Videos show how Israeli forces ripped up roads and bulldozed shops and homes in the occupied West Bank.

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French investigators probe Marine Le Pen’s 2022 campaign finances • FRANCE 24 English

French investigators are looking into far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s 2022 campaign finances for an election she lost to President Emmanuel Macron, prosecutors said on Tuesday (July9). A probe was opened on July 2 to examine allegations of embezzlement, forgery, fraud, and that a candidate on an electoral campaign accepted a loan, the Paris prosecutor’s office said.

#France #MarineLePen

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«Дорогой друг, ваше превосходительство». Зачем премьер Индии приезжал к Путину – BBC News Русская служба

«Дорогой друг, ваше превосходительство». Зачем премьер Индии приезжал к Путину  BBC News Русская служба

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Бывшие послы США и Британии в Москве призвали заключить мир в Украине с уступкой территорий

“Финляндия тоже выиграла войну с СССР”

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Parkinson’s doctor suggests Biden has ‘classic features of neurodegeneration’ after revelation specialist visited White House 8 times

A New York-based neurologist who specializes in treating Parkinson’s disease suggested Monday that President Biden is exhibiting “classic features of neurodegeneration” as speculation swirls about his political future.

Dr. Tom Pitts made his assessment based on Biden’s public appearances, while the White House faced questions about why another Parkinson’s expert visited the executive mansion eight times in an eight-month stretch last year and early this year.

“I could have diagnosed him from across the mall,” Pitts told NBC News Now’s “Top Story with Tom Llamas.”

President Biden got a fairly clean bill of health from his doctor, but critics are calling for more information. Getty Images

“I’m a Democrat, it’s just like — this guy is not a hard case,” he added.

“I see him 20 times a day in clinic.”

“He has the classic features of neurodegeneration, word-finding difficulties, and that’s not, ‘Oh, I couldn’t find the word,’ that’s from degeneration of the word retrieval area,” Pitts explained, referring to Biden.

The doctor also noted the president’s “shuffling gait … so little steps. Loss of arm swing from the rigidity…and end-block turning, meaning he kind of pivots around his foot.”

Pitts caveated that he has never been in the “same room” with the president, who has insisted he will carry on with his re-election campaign, and could not judge whether Biden’s cognitive abilities had diminished.

Over the weekend, The Post scooped that Biden physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor met with Dr. Kevin Cannard, the White House medical unit’s neurology consultant, back in January.

A subsequent check of visitor logs revealed Cannard had visited the executive mansion eight times between July of last year and March of this year.

Dr. Tom Pitts caveated that he hasn’t diagnosed President Biden in person. NBC News

Late Monday, O’Connor acknowledged that Cannard had examined Biden as part of his annual physicals, but claimed the doctor had not seen the president outside of those occasions.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed Tuesday that the January meeting involving Cannard and O’Connor “was not” about Biden’s health.

Pitts called on both Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 78, to take a four-hour neurological test, which he called the “hallmark test for cognitive performance.”

President Biden insists that he is mentally fit for the job. AP

Despite his party preference, Pitts conceded that he was frustrated with the situation, likening the Biden administration to regimes of North Korea and Russia in terms of denying obviously realities.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

(@mikenov) / Twitter

@mikenov: Biden promises new air defenses for Ukraine in forceful Nato speech | Nato

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Biden promises new air defenses for Ukraine in forceful Nato speech


Joe Biden has announced that Nato countries will provide Ukraine with five new strategic air defense systems as leaders began a summit in Washington where the alliance was expected to declare Ukraine’s path toward Nato to be “irreversible”.

The promise of weapons deliveries, including anti-air defenses sought after by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy, came just a day after a deadly missile strike against a paediatric cancer hospital and other civilian targets in Ukraine that Biden called a “horrific reminder of Russia’s brutality”.

“All told, Ukraine will receive hundreds of additional interceptors over the next year, helping protect Ukrainian cities against Russian missiles and Ukrainian troops facing their attacks on the frontlines,” said Biden.

The headline speech was a critical step to convincing foreign leaders that Biden, 81, remains up to the task of leading the 32-member military alliance. It was also a key test in saving his presidential campaign following a disastrous debate against Donald Trump that led many in his own party to question his mental acuity.

In forceful tones, Biden said: “Before this war, Putin thought Nato would break. Today, Nato is stronger than it’s ever been in its history. When this senseless war began, Ukraine was a free country. Today it’s still a free country and the war will end with Ukraine remaining a free and independent country.”

“Russia will not prevail,” he said to rising applause. “Ukraine will prevail.”

In a speech later in the night, Zelenskiy urged US political leaders not to wait for the outcome of November’s presidential election to move forcefully to aid his country.

“Everyone is waiting for November. Americans are waiting for November, in Europe, Middle East, in the Pacific, the whole world is looking towards November and, truly speaking, Putin awaits November too.

“It is time to step out of the shadows, to make strong decisions … to act and not to wait for November or any other month,” Zelenskiy said.

It was announced on Tuesday that the US and its European allies would act to bolster Ukraine’s air defences at a time when the country is under constant heavy bombardment from Russia.

The US, Germany and Romania would send additional batteries of the Patriot air defence system while Patriot components donated by the Netherlands would enable another battery to operate, according to a statement by the leaders of the US, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Romania.

The Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, approved the donation of a Italian-French-made equivalent of the Patriot interceptor, the SAMP/T air defence system.

“These five strategic air defence systems will help to protect Ukrainian cities, civilians, and soldiers, and we are coordinating closely with the Ukrainian government so that these systems can be utilised rapidly,” the statement said. “We are working on a further announcement this year of additional strategic air defence systems for Ukraine.”

As well the medium range Patriot and SAMP/T systems, the US and its allies said they would provide Ukraine with dozens of shorter-range tactical systems, including the US-Norwegian made NASAMS, US-made Hawks, Iris systems made by a European consortium and German Gepard missiles.

Britain’s new prime minister, Keir Starmer, and Zelenskiy, were among those arriving at the US capital amid a warning that Russia could step up missile strikes on Ukraine this week, repeating a barrage that killed at least 38 on Monday.

Diplomats said that a final communique would probably declare Ukraine’s path to Nato to be “irreversible” and to move control of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the main conduit for delivering military aid and training to Ukraine, under Nato control.

Those steps are widely seen as an attempt to “Trump-proof” Nato policies from the potential for a new Republican administration to cut aid to Ukraine, or possibly to make it contingent on holding direct negotiations with Russia.

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Despite the communique, there will be no meaningful progress on Ukraine joining Nato in Washington, although alliance members will seek to dress up the latest package of support as part of what is described as “a bridge to membership”.

Holdouts including the US, Hungary, Germany and Italy are concerned that allowing Ukraine to join Nato while the war with Russia continues would be considered an escalation that could bring the alliance into direct conflict with Moscow. Even a more limited form of what could be considered direct military intervention in support of Kyiv attracts similar concerns.

On Tuesday, Zelenskiy said he hoped Trump would not quit Nato and would keep supporting Ukraine, if he won in November, but he could not predict the former president’s actions.

“I can’t tell you what he will do, if he will be the president of the United States. I don’t know,” he said.

Jens Stoltenberg, Nato’s outgoing secretary general, speaking immediately before Biden, sought to justify continued US and western support for Ukraine by arguing that “the biggest cost and the greatest risk will be if Russia wins in Ukraine”. Authoritarian leaders in China, North Korea and Iran would all feel emboldened if Russia conquered its neighbour, he added, describing the war as a struggle over values.

“They all support Russia’s brutal war. They all want Nato to fail. So the outcome of this war will shape global security for decades to come. The time to stand for freedom and democracy is now the place is Ukraine,” the Nato chief added. Biden subsequently awarded Stoltenberg, the presidential medal of freedom, the highest civilian honour in the US.

In remarks to the Guardian, Ruslan Stefanchuk, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said that the strike on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital should be a “turning point” in the war and lead to great supplies of anti-air weapons to Ukraine.

“I believe that what happened today must be a turning point to change everyone’s attitude to what is happening in Ukraine, and I believe that without the F-16 fighter jets, without the new air defence systems, without the ammunition for those systems, we won’t be able to cover the skies to defend Ukraine,” he said.

Elsewhere at the summit, several high-ranking European officials have met with a top foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump.

Keith Kellogg, a retired lieutenant general who served as the chief of staff to Trump’s national security council, told Reuters he had met several European officials in recent days, including foreign ministers, but did not disclose their identities.

Kellogg, who is in regular contact with Trump, has emphasised that he does not speak for the former president nor his campaign.