The News And Times –

Donald Trump is feeding himself to the lions


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It’s extraordinary, simply extraordinary what Jack Smith just did. Smith has asked for an order – a narrowly tailored order that would seek to prevent Donald John Trump from trying to poison the Jury pool. This order was requested in Washington DC.

In the filing Smith argues that this order is necessary because Donald Trump’s constant poisonous chatter could present a “serious and substantial danger” of possibly poisoning the jury pool.

This is why we love Jack Smith. It’s because he’s got all his bases covered. He doesn’t stop working for Lady Justice. I certainly think he deserves Time Magazine’s person of the year which would no doubt infuriate Donald Trump even more.

Anyway, Trump did not like this request. Predictably melting down on his social network, screaming like an idiot, which he is, Trump began yelling they “won’t let me speak.”

Won’t let him speak? Nobody has spoken more, more loudly, more disgustingly, more insanely, and more stridently than the tiny-brained orange toad. Trump’s verbal vomit has foamed from his mouth every day all day while he was president for those horrible four years.

And it continues today! The verbal vomit still rushes fourth, infecting anybody with the bad luck of hearing it. He’s the last human being on earth who can claim that he is being muzzled.

Donald Trump has spoken. He has spoken with threats. He has spoken with temper tantrums, on and on and on he has spoken giving the American people possibly the biggest headache they’ve ever had and causing many to put their hands over their ears and just yell “stop!”

Trump has to understand that his life is not his own anymore. The court runs things now! I understand that baby-face doesn’t like that. I understand it’s not easy for him to accept. But at some point he has to accept that his power is gone. It left him and he doesn’t have anything else. He is just another indicted criminal one of many.

So, of course, he hates Jack Smith, because Jack Smith is everything Trump cannot, and never will be, the golden one, the incorruptible one, and the one who asks for orders like this, to protect the sanctity of the trials, to protect the American people, and to see to it that he puts Trump where he belongs — in a cell.

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Palmer Report has significant operating expenses, including website hosting, tech support, mailing list services, and much more. If you value Palmer Report’s content, donate here.

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