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Evil under the sun


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Florida is such a gorgeous place to be. But right now, Florida is in danger — it is in danger from evil under its Sun. Let’s start at the beginning. All over, many are asking a simple question: Where’s Ron?

DeSantis and his collapsing campaign have not been seen much lately. That might be because Ron has other things on his mind – like evil. The food and Drug Administration has been recommending people get updated vaccines.

DeSantis is telling many of these people not to. I’d say that’s evil under the sun — wouldn’t you?

USA Today put it best: “Hello, and welcome to the great state of Florida, where Gov. Ron DeSantis is responsible for telling residents under 65 years old to defy the advice of the Food and Drug admission and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and not get the updated COVID-19 vaccine. LIVE FREE AND DIE, BABY!”

It’s true. Just WHAT does this evil piece of human waste think he’s doing? DeSantis (psycho, insurrection party, poor Florida) is pure evil incarnate. I like to call him Medusa’s brother, but that is actually an insult to Medusa.

DeSantis is losing his primary. He will never be President. He likely knows that. So, in his warped mind, he’s become MORE evil under the sun, more indifferent to the lives of his Florida constituents.

DeSantis has the distinction of being an unsociable, non-charismatic imp besides being a lousy governor and awful Presidential contender. But I shudder to think of anyone who heeds his words. We have already had so much DEATH and DESTRUCTION because of this man. We do not need more.

Ron’s term as Governor cannot end soon enough for me. And hopefully, when it does, we will never have to hear that whiny and insufferable voice again. So tell your Florida friends to please — for their own safety — turn away from DeSantis and his monstrous and evil actions.

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Palmer Report has significant operating expenses, including website hosting, tech support, mailing list services, and much more. If you value Palmer Report’s content, donate here.

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The post Evil under the sun first appeared on The News And Times –