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The Second front in Ukraine War: Israel against Russia

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🇮🇱💪🇺🇦 FAFO time is nigh for Putin and Russia: Amir Weitmann, head of the libertarian caucus in Israel’s Likud Party went on Kremlin propaganda channel RT and said Russia will pay the price for supporting Hamas attack on Israel. Israel will now ensure Ukraine wins against Russia.

— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) October 19, 2023


In normal times domestic political fights over foreign policy break down more or less along a conventional left-right divide. These are not normal times.

The right is largely united around the need to support Israel in its war with Hamas, but increasingly divided about backing Ukraine in its war with Russia. The left is largely united around the need to help Ukraine, but more divided about siding with Israel.

It’s not perfectly symmetrical. Democrats are more unified on Israel, in part because of President Biden’s unequivocal support. But it’s early. After all, the history of the Democratic Party resisting campus radicals and the “antiwar” left is not a tale of heroic resolve. And that the response on campuses to a terrorist pogrom was to immediately express support for Palestinians does not suggest the left-wing fringe will come around to a more nuanced stance.

Meanwhile, even though the GOP is unified in its support for Israel — to the point where even many America-firsters have abandoned all foreign policy consistency to show solidarity with Israel — on the fringes, especially on social media, skepticism over support for Israel is already growing.

In some of the swampier quarters, outright antisemitism is breaking into the open. And Donald Trump, who has long boasted of doing more for Israel than anyone since Moses, is suddenly celebrating how “very smart” Hezbollah is and berating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (which is not to say he doesn’t deserve criticism, though not from Trump).

Given the hothouse of a presidential election, it doesn’t seem far-fetched to imagine support for Israel melting away on the new right and the “anti-Zionist” left as Biden becomes more identified with support for Israel.

In short, inside the water’s edge of domestic politics, it’s a two-front war. What I think a lot of people are missing is that it’s a two-front war outside the water’s edge too.

There’s been an intense and bizarre debate over Iran’s complicity in Hamas’ attack. Iran has supported Hamas for decades. Whether it officially ordered, or approved, the invasion beforehand hardly erases its culpability. If you keep assassins who vow to kill Israelis on a retainer, it’s hardly an outrageous slander to say you have some responsibility when they do.

The more vital question is of Russia’s involvement. Russia’s disastrous war on Ukraine has drawn it ever closer to Iran, which supplies it with drones and other weapons. Both of these heavily sanctioned pariah-states depend on oil revenue to stay afloat. Global instability keeps the petrodollars flowing. There’s no evidence that Russia greenlighted the attack, but it’s clear that Putin benefits from a Middle East war that diverts Western attention and resources.

Why give him the win he wants?

Ukraine, which has expressed its support for Israel, certainly sees the stakes clearly. President Volodymyr Zelensky even wants to visit Israel as a show of solidarity.

Opponents of aiding Ukraine dismiss any linkage — legislatively, strategically or morally — between Israel and Ukraine. Forty-eight hours after the Hamas attack, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) insisted: “Israel is facing existential threat. Any funding for Ukraine should be redirected to Israel immediately.” The populist Heritage Foundation declared: “Lawmakers need to resist attempts to link emergency military support for Israel with additional funding for Ukraine. These conflicts are separate and distinct.”

Not really.

Seeing both conflicts through a partisan lens just demonstrates how domestic partisanship can blind you to the bigger picture. These are two fronts in broadly the same fight. Israel and Ukraine alike are flawed but decent democracies facing enemies who seek to erase them from the map. Israel may be more of a historic ally than Ukraine, but their enemies are allies with shared interests.

Putting all other obvious moral and strategic considerations aside, America simply has a vital interest in maintaining its credibility to keep its commitments not just to Ukraine and Israel, but to our broader coalition of allies.

After 9/11, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization got our back. Now NATO needs us to help deal with the threat on its doorstep. And we may need NATO if Iran opts to join the fray in Israel. Lord knows China is watching to see if we buckle.

None of this requires American boots on the ground in Israel or Ukraine. Both countries are willing to do the fighting and dying. What they want is help in what amounts to the same war on two fronts.


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The area at St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City where an explosion occurred.

The area at St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City where an explosion occurred. (Ali Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images)

A blast went off at a building on the premises of the St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church campus in Gaza City on Thursday night while dozens of Palestinian families were sheltering there. Rescuers were pulling people out of the rubble, several of whom were injured, according to people at the site.

Majdy Jildah, who had been seeking refuge at the church, said about 500 people had been sheltering on the church campus, including about 80 in the church council building where the explosion occurred. He said he believed a child was killed. Dozens were inside the assembly hall of the church, which was also damaged. The church is one of the oldest in the world. The Israeli military said it is looking into the incident.

Correction: Majdy Jildah is a man. An earlier version of this post referred to him as she.

Fighting is ongoing after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
How the Soviet Union helped terrorism go global – The Global Jihadism and the KGB – GS


Moscow KGB – the Alma Mater of the modern Global Terrorism

Red Jihad: Moscow's Final Solution for America and Israel: Kincaid, Cliff,  Nyquist, J.R.: 9781523956098: Books

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The Global Jihadism and the KGB – GS

Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader
SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 21:19
A HISTORIC poster of Vladimir Lenin on display in St. Petersburg (photo credit: REUTERS) A HISTORIC poster of Vladimir Lenin on display in St. Petersburg (photo credit: REUTERS) 
This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Soviet Union, and with it the imposition of a communist dictatorship in Tsarist Russia and beyond. The totalitarian government that Vladimir Lenin and his party apparatchiks built is commonly associated with the terror of large-scale famine, police-state repression, gulags and assassinations. Yet, there is another noteworthy Soviet legacy: communist support for terrorist groups.Soviet aid to terrorist organizations was a staple of Moscow’s strategy against the West and its allies during the Cold War. At the roots of this sponsorship was a desire to portray the USSR and communism as the vanguard of “liberation” in an era that witnessed the disintegration of the British and French empires. That the Soviet Union itself had engaged in imperialism since shortly after its creation was an inconvenient truth to be whitewashed in communist propaganda.As analyst Nick Lockwood noted in The Atlantic in 2011, “Russia is the birthplace of modern terrorism,” with 19th century Russian nihilists and secret societies advocating a violent overthrow of Tsarist rule. Groups like the “People’s Will” murdered Tsarist officials and, in March 1881, Tsar Alexander II himself. Among its more infamous members was Alexander Ulyanov – Lenin’s older brother – who was executed by the state in 1887 for a planned assassination of Alexander’s son and successor.There was terrorism from the Russian far Right as well, with organizations like the Union of the Russian People having “compiled lists of current and former government officials to be assassinated,” as the historian Stephen Kotkin highlighted in Stalin: Paradoxes of Power.But it was the USSR and its communist allies who helped terrorism go global.According to The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World, a book by historian Christopher Andrew and the KGB operative turned defector Vasili Mitrokhin, the “unexpected surge” of international terrorism in the early 1970s coupled with the successful backing of Sandinista guerillas in Latin America “encouraged” Moscow to “consider the use of Palestinian terrorists as proxies in the Middle East and Europe.” By 1970, the KGB “began secret arms deliveries to the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)” – a US-designated terrorist group. In addition to the PLFP, the Soviets, the East German Stasi, the Cuban General Intelligence Directorate (DGI), Romanian intelligence services, and other communist dictatorships gave funds, training and support to various leftist terrorist networks.THESE GROUPS, such as the Japanese Red Army, Italy’s Red Brigades, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and various German organizations all “shared Marxist philosophies, a hatred of America” and “solidarity with the Palestinians,” Lockwood notes. On the latter point, the analyst pointed out: “Palestinian groups were enthusiastic participants in Soviet terror largesse.”This went hand in glove with the USSR’s propaganda campaign to tar Zionism, the belief in Jewish self-determination, as racism; a tool, it was said, of Western colonialist oppression.In this fashion, the communists that had imposed autocracy and enslaved billions could be painted as “liberators” of the Third World.Yasser Arafat, a founder of the Palestinian Fatah movement and future head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Palestinian Authority (PA), even received KGB training in east Moscow in the early 1960s, according to a Wall Street Journal article by Ion Mihai Pacepa, the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania before his defection to the United States in 1978.Together, communist-backed terrorist groups pioneered airplane hijackings and the purposeful targeting – including mass murder – of civilians. Indeed, General Alexander Sakharovsky, who headed the KGB’s First Chief Directorate that oversaw operations abroad, bragged in 1971: “Airplane hijacking is my own invention.”According to Andrew and Mitrokhin, the Soviets ceased supporting the PFLP in the late 1970s. Other groups, however, continued to receive support and other communist dictatorships – all trained and backed by the USSR – were happy to provide it.East Germany in particular was an avid proponent, as the American historian Jeffrey Herf documented in his important 2016 book Undeclared Wars with Israel. The country’s vicious and highly effective intelligence service, the Stasi, aided the PLO, among other groups, in carrying out “acts of war” and “international terrorism,” as its own records note. Herf points out that East Germany served as a “transit” and “training spot” for numerous terrorists and that the Stasi, concerned about Western condemnation should their trainees carry out attacks in the West, entered into a formal agreement with the PLO: committing terrorist attacks “anywhere else” was encouraged.The plane hijackings and massacres, such as occurred at the Lod Airport and the Munich Olympic Games in 1972, foretold much of what was to come – although the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union fell more than two decades ago, the Soviet legacy of terrorism remains.Indeed, according to a September 9, 2011, US State Department cable, the Soviet-trained Cuban DGI allowed the Lebanese-based, US-designated terrorist group Hezbollah to establish “an operational base in Cuba, designed to support terrorist groups throughout Latin America.”In his “Lessons from the Moscow Uprising,” written more than a decade before seizing power, Lenin set the course, writing of his Bolsheviks: “We stand for terror – this should be frankly admitted.”He’s right.The writer is a Washington DC-based foreign affairs analyst. His views are his own. var cont = `

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The former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko told Euractiv he was “absolutely sure” that instructors from the Russian mercenary group Wagner were transferred from Syria to Gaza to help prepare the terrorist attacks on Israel on 7 October.

Poroshenko, president from 2014 to 2019 and now heads the European Solidarity party, was visiting Brussels ahead of an expected decision by the EU Commission on 8 November to greenlight the start of Ukraine’s accession talks.

In an exclusive interview on Wednesday (11 October), he warned that “not everybody should think the decision is in our pocket”.

Asked about what appears to be sabotage on the Balticconnector pipeline and telecommunications cable linking Finland to Estonia, qualified by the authorities in Helsinki as damage caused by “outside activity”, he said:

“I’m absolutely convinced that this is a terrorist attack, the aim of which is to destabilise the energy situation in Europe, in the same way Russia attacks with missiles the energy system of Ukraine.”

He said the same Russian signature was seen in the assault the Islamist militant group Hamas launched on Israel last weekend.

“I’m absolutely convinced that there is Russian interest, Russian hands, in the preparation of the Hamas terror attack on Israel.”

Though without concrete proof, he said he knew very well how Wagner mercenaries operate.

“I have known it since 2014 when the first Wagner group appeared in the east of my country. I know the signature of Wagner from their attacks in Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Soledar, Bakhmut. This is exactly Wagner tactics.”

“I’m absolutely sure that the Russian Wagner instructors in Syria were transferred to Hamas in Gaza and participated in the training of terrorists to prepare the absolutely barbaric attack on Israel from the Gaza strip.”

How to deal with Putin

Asked about his personal impressions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he met many times, including for the negotiation of the now defunct Minsk agreement following Russia’s occupation of Donbas, he said:

“I have several conclusions. Conclusion number one: never trust Putin. Putin is a KGB officer who especially learned how to lie. Number two: never ever be afraid of Putin. Because if you are afraid, you lose. Number three, keep in mind that Putin understands only one language: strength. This is why he will go only as far as we allow him to.”

Poroshenko said the best negotiator with Russia was the armed forces Ukraine has built.

The security of Europe, he said, resided in the “blue and yellow shield of Ukraine”, which he said was strengthened under his presidency.

The strongest army in Europe

“I’m proud that I created with the people of Ukraine the strongest, the most efficient armed forces of Europe,” he said.

He said that as a leader of the second largest political party force, his mission was to be “a watchdog” for the progress of reforms and civil society’s power.

Challenged with the question about a pessimistic scenario, in which the war in the Middle East would eclipse the war in his country while the prospects for NATO and EU enlargement would fade, he said such doubts only fueled Putin’s narrative.

“Stop talking about fatigue. If you feel fatigue from Ukraine, it means you feel fatigue from freedom, you feel fatigue from democracy, you feel fatigue from the EU, from NATO, in favour of Putin”.

“And please stop thinking that you are helping Ukraine. You are also helping yourself, you are investing in your own security”, he said.

“For us, NATO is life, it’s survival, for Ukraine, NATO means life”, he repeated.

Nuclear arsenal again?

Asked if Ukraine made a mistake back in 1994 when it gave up the nuclear weapons on its soil under the Budapest memorandum, he said:

“That happened almost 30 years ago. But I agree that the positions of the Ukrainian negotiator would be much stronger if we had nuclear weapons. Even more: if Ukraine had had nuclear weapons, Putin would have never attacked us.”

Asked if Ukraine should develop a new nuclear arsenal again, given its experience and potential, especially if the NATO candidacy fails, he gave an answer suggesting that plan A was NATO accession.

“Ukraine will fight for our independence. Ukraine will fight for our existence. No matter if or without any assistance. But it would be much more efficient than nuclear weapons to have NATO membership. Without Ukrainian membership in NATO, war will be never-ending.”

Poroshenko leads a foundation which he said has gathered from the companies he previously created as a businessman $100 million for the armed forces of Ukraine since the start of the Russian aggression.

Due to the sensitivity of the issues discussed, the transcript of the interview was double-checked by his cabinet.

[Edited by Zoran Radosavljevic]

A view shows smoke in the Gaza Strip as seen from Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel

A view shows smoke in the Gaza Strip as seen from Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel October 18, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen Acquire Licensing Rights

DUBAI/WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) – Israel is vowing to wipe out Hamas in a relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip but has no obvious endgame in sight, with no clear plan for how to govern the ravaged Palestinian enclave even if it triumphs on the battlefield.

Codenamed “Operation Swords of Iron”, the military campaign will be unmatched in its ferocity and unlike anything Israel has carried out in Gaza in the past, according to eight regional and Western officials with knowledge of the conflict who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

 Zelensky and Netanyahu Meet Face-to-Face to Talk Iran, Russia

posted at 21:32:05 UTC via


The United Nations’ General Assembly brings world leaders to New York each fall to discuss global problems like escalating climate disasters and widening inequality. But on the sidelines, heads of state often use their time in midtown Manhattan to pull aside leaders they need to glad-hand and cajole.

That’s how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met Tuesday afternoon, the first face-to-face meeting for the two leaders since the start of Russia’s war with Ukraine 18 months ago. Zelensky has been wanting to press Netanyahu in person for more assistance and a more coordinated front against Iranian weapons transfers to Russian forces in Ukraine.

But Israel, which relies on Russian-controlled airspace over Syria to attack Iranian proxies in the region, has been careful not to irk Moscow. That has required walking a fine line. 

After Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to topple Kyiv last year, Israel’s decision to not join other countries in imposing sanctions on Russia stood out on the world stage. Russian citizens and oligarchs still have freedom of movement in and out of Israel. No Israeli Prime Minister has visited Ukraine’s capital since Russia stepped up its aggression. And while Israel has provided humanitarian aid and defensive warning systems to Ukraine, it has balked at sending lethal, offensive military equipment or its most effective anti-missile technology. 

Zelensky would like to change that. He also has sought to partner with Israel on working to block Iranian arms shipments to Russia for use in Ukraine. For months, Russian forces have used Iranian-made Shahed drone systems to attack Ukrainian cities. US intelligence officials have said that Iranian soldiers have been spotted in Crimea helping Russian forces use Shahed drones to strike Ukrainian power stations and infrastructure, and likely honing the use of the technology.

In May, Zelensky called out Iran for selling its weapons to Russia, telling Tehran in a video address that Iran was acting as “an accomplice to Russian terror.”

That presents a complicated, but common interest between Israel and Ukraine in finding ways to stop the flow of Iranian drone arsenals, says Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “Both Zelensky and Netanyahu are leaders of countries that are suffering from Iranian weapons, so that creates all kinds of opportunities for intelligence sharing and cooperation to better defend their respective people,” says Bowman.

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When Zelensky walked into the meeting room on the sidelines of the UN general assembly, he gripped Netanyahu’s hand and the two leaders leaned forward and patted each other on the back, according to video posted online. “You have a very big team,” remarked Zelensky, as he shook hands with a line of Israeli officials. Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, explained the meeting was “very attractive” and “there were other people who wanted to participate.”

As Zelensky was about to sit down, he saw Israeli’s top intelligence official, Mossad director David Barnea, across the room, and walked over to shake his hand and the two embraced and spoke briefly.

Zelensky later posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, that he and Netanyahu focused their talks “on our cooperation” and “civil defense.” “I informed him about Russian strikes on our cities, ports, and critical infrastructure using Iranian drones,” Zelensky wrote. “We share concern about the increasing military cooperation between Russia and Iran.”

Israeli officials declined to provide many details about what was discussed in the meeting with Zelensky. A statement from Netanyahu’s office described the meeting as “cordial” and said that Netanyahu “made it clear that Israel would continue to assist Ukraine on humanitarian issues, including dealing with anti-personnel mines.”

Zelensky was not the only world leader Netanyahu met with on the sidelines of the annual diplomatic gathering. He also had a one-on-one with President Joe Biden, who has yet to invite Netanyahu to the White House since he returned to the role of prime minister in December. It may end up being a break with tradition on Biden’s part. For decades, the U.S. president has welcomed the newly installed Israeli Prime Minister to the White House within the first year of the Israeli leader taking office. (Biden still has a few months to extend an invite.) The less formal meeting at the UN gathering amounted to a half measure from Biden, reflecting his concerns over Netanyahu’s policies toward Palestinians in the West Bank and his controversial push to weaken Israel’s judiciary.

Protests have followed Netanyahu during his visit to the U.S. In San Francisco, where the Israeli leader met with Elon Musk, protestors projected an illustration of Netanyahu in prison garb on a wall of the infamous former prison Alcatraz in San Francisco Bay. In the days before Netanyahu arrived in New York, activists projected a message onto the side of the iconic UN building that read, “Don’t believe Crime Minister Netanyahu. Protect Israeli democracy.”

Aaron David Miller, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a former State Department senior advisor for Arab-Israeli negotiations, says that the Biden Administration has been cooperating extensively with Israeli officials in recent months, including spending time brokering talks with the Saudi royal family to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but that Biden has been reluctant to give Netanyahu the high-profile platform that comes with a White House visit. “I think the administration didn’t want to legitimize the Israeli government at a time when it’s very unhappy, both on the issue of the judicial overhaul and Israeli policies with the Palestinians,” Miller says. 

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On Ukraine, Miller adds, Israeli leaders have acted very cautiously to avoid upsetting Russia, and the Biden Administration has not leaned significantly on Israel to do more. “I think the Americans have given the Israelis a sort of margin to operate without calling in chits and pressing them hard,” Miller says.


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What happened in the Russia-Ukraine war this week? Catch up with the must-read news and analysis  The Guardian

Contemporary Yiddish poetry dedicated to the Hamas pogrom victims
דעם 9טן אָקטאָבער —  ניט מער װי אַ טאָג נאָך די שוידערלעכע אַטאַקן פֿון כאַמאַס אויף ישׁראל שׂמחת־תּורה — האָט זיך פֿאַרזאַמלט אַ קװאַרטעט ייִדישע פּאָעטן דורך זום, כּדי פֿאָרצולײענען זײערע שאַפֿונגען: טאָמאַס סאָקסבערגער (װין), בערל קאָטלערמאַן (רמת־גן), ברוריה װיגאַנד (לאָנדאָן/אָקספֿאָרד) און מאַרעק טושעװיצקי (קראָקע). כ׳האָב געהאַט דעם כּבֿוד צו…

Armenia-Azerbaijan talks. Will Aliyev go to Brussels and what to expect?
Expectations of the negotiations in Brussels The head of the European Council Charles Michel has invited Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to Brussels for another round of talks. The exact date of the meeting has not been announced yet, it is known that it is scheduled for the end of October. But…
Cotton: Biden’s $100B request ‘dead on arrival’ – The Hill
Cotton: Biden’s $100B request ‘dead on arrival’  The Hill
Biden in address to nation calls for support for both Israel and Ukraine – Minnesota Reformer
Biden in address to nation calls for support for both Israel and Ukraine  Minnesota Reformer
Directive on signing the Treaty Establishing the International Organisation for the Russian Language
Vladimir Putin signed the Directive on Signing the Treaty Establishing the International Organisation for the Russian Language. The President issued a directive to accept the proposal by the Government of the Russian Federation to sign the Treaty Establishing the International Organisation for the Russian Language, and spoke out in favour of signing…
Interview with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “We Have to Deport … – DER SPIEGEL International Edition
Interview with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “We Have to Deport …  DER SPIEGEL International Edition

Two American hostages released from Gaza, Fox News is told
Fox News has independently confirmed that two American nationals held captive by Hamas have been released. A source with knowledge of the release confirmed to Fox News that the two American hostages, a mother and her daughter, were released “on humanitarian grounds” following Qatari mediation efforts.”In response to Qatari efforts, Al-Qassam Brigades…

Hamas says it released mother and daughter held in Gaza; no Israeli confirmation
Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are missing Those we are…

Watch: President Biden delivers Oval Office address on Israel, Ukraine | Special Report
Addressing the nation from the White House on Thursday night, President Biden made the case to the country and to Congress that the United States must pass $100 billion in supplemental funding, including billions in wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine, saying it will pay dividends for U.S. national security. “CBS Evening News” anchor and managing editor…

Путин ночью посетил штаб Вооружённых Сил в Ростове-на-Дону
Российский президент Владимир Путин в четверг посетил штаб в Ростове-на-Дону, откуда российские генералы руководят «специальной военной операцией» (СВО) — так в России называют развязанную ею войну против Украины, пишет Би Би Си. Как сообщают российские агентства со ссылкой на пресс-секретаря Путина Дмитрия Пескова, о положении дел со «специальной…

Путин ответил Байдену: «Век живи — век учись». Надо научиться уважать других
Президент России Владимир Путин во время визита в Пекин на форум “Один пояс, один путь” ответил на вопросы российского журналиста Павла Зарубина про заявление президента США Джо Байдена. “Спросил у Путина про Байдена, который хочет его «подавить». А так же про встречу с Орбаном [Виктор Орбан – премьер Венгрии]”, – написал Зарубин.

Hamas vs Israeli Military capability: Hamas is ‘no technical match’ | Major General Rupert Jones
Major General Rupert Jones explains the difference between Israel and Hamas’s military capabilities as a ground offensive in Gaza looms. 📻 Listen to Times Radio – 📍 Subscribe to our channel – 🗞 Subscribe to The Times…

Hamas’ last day! Israeli Eagles broke through the Gaza Defences! Special Troops in Hidden Tunnels!
Hamas’ last day! Israeli Eagles broke through the Gaza Defences! Special Troops in Hidden Tunnels!

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan speaks to the European Parliament
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to the European Parliament takes place in the aftermath of Azerbaijan’s military attack and recapture of the breakaway enclave Nagorno-Karabakh on 19 September, which forced over 100,000 ethnic Armenians living in the area to flee their homes. In a resolution adopted on 5 October, MEPs strongly condemned…

Israel ‘Humiliates’ Zelensky; Rejects Solidarity Visit Request | ‘Not The Right Time’ | Watch
According to reports, Israel closed its doors for the Ukrainian President amid ongoing conflict with Hamas. Volodymyr Zelensky had asked to make a solidarity visit in the wake of the Hamas onslaught but was told “the time is not right,” according to Hebrew-language media reports. Zelensky reportedly wanted to come to Israel with U.S. State Secretary…

Diplomacy Watch: Putin and Zelensky don’t agree on Gaza war
As much of the world’s attention shifted to the Middle East this week, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky staked out contrasting positions on the war between Israel and Hamas. The Russian president has reportedly not called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the weekend, and did not release a message of support…

War in Gaza complicates Ukraine battle for both Zelensky and Putin
SaveYou’re reading an excerpt from the Today’s WorldView newsletter. Sign up to get the rest free, including news from around the globe and interesting ideas and opinions to know, sent to your inbox every weekday.For over a year and a half, the war in Ukraine has dominated global attention due to the bloody scenes after Russia’s invasion. But Saturday’s…

Zelensky and Netanyahu: Effective leadership in times of crisis
Leaders respond differently in moments of crisis. Some buckle, cringe or stay aloof and unconcerned, others abandon ship and run away while some rise up to the challenge and forge a new nation or organisation from the experience. The ongoing wars in Europe and the Middle East offer us a chance to examine the role of effective leadership in a moment…

Biden makes case for ‘urgent’ military aid to Ukraine; North Korea’s Kim says Russia agreements will be ‘faithfully’ fulfilled
U.S. President Joe Biden’s comparison between the actions of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and those of Hamas is “unacceptable,” Kremlin spokesperson said Friday, in Google-translated comments reported by Russia’s state agency Tass on Telegram.Divided between loyalties with Israel and Hamas-backing Iran, Putin has fallen short of condemning the Palestinian…

As World’s Eyes Shift, Ukraine and Russia Look to Sway Opinions
Kyiv says Russia is looking to leverage the Israel-Hamas war to dampen support for Ukraine, while Moscow is calling it a failure of the West.

Zelensky Speaks With Netanyahu, Says Ukraine Stands In Solidarity With Israel | English News | N18V
Zelensky Speaks With Netanyahu, Says Ukraine Stands In Solidarity With Israel | English News | N18V Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that in his phone call with Benjamin Netanyahu earlier today, “the prime minister spoke about the situation in Israel and the actions of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies to repel the attack.”…

Israel ‘Humiliates’ Zelensky; Rejects Solidarity Visit Request | ‘Not The Right Time’ | Watch
According to reports, Israel closed its doors for the Ukrainian President amid ongoing conflict with Hamas. Volodymyr Zelensky had asked to make a solidarity visit in the wake of the Hamas onslaught but was told “the time is not right,” according to Hebrew-language media reports. Zelensky reportedly wanted to come to Israel with U.S. State Secretary…

Opinion | A Tale of Two Jewish Leaders
Zelensky is waging a campaign to kick the crooks out of government. Netanyahu is waging a campaign to keep the crooks in.

Ukraine’s Zelenskiy Meets Israel’s Netanyahu on Sidelines of UNGA
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. Israel has delivered much humanitarian aid to Ukraine but it has rejected pleas to provide arms or impose sanctions against Russia or its oligarchs, some of whom have strong ties…

Tanks line up at Gaza border as ground invasion appears imminent
Israel appeared to be readying its expected ground invasion of the Gaza Strip early Friday, with a large border town evacuated and fleets of tanks lining up on the border where hundreds of thousands of soldiers are already camped out. Israeli officials have been warning for days that it will soon launch its…

President Biden Delivers Oval Office Address on Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine Wars
October 18, 2023 “Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you,” President Biden told Israeli…

Hamas attack exposes deteriorating ties between Russia and Israel
Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has long portrayed himself as a friend of Vladimir Putin. In a memoir published during Russia’s war on Ukraine, Netanyahu repeatedly lauded the Russian leader for his intellect and his “particularly friendly attitude” toward the Jewish people.Putin, too, has over the years cast himself as a loyal ally of…

Wake up, America: Our enemies are an evil alliance taking advantage of our weakness around the world
The brutal Hamas attack on Israel once again shows that the world is a very dangerous place. We need strong American leadership to protect our freedom. And we need smart American leadership to recognize who our enemies really are — and how they’re working together. Everyone knows who’s behind Hamas….

Death toll in Gaza hospital blast greatly exaggerated – foreign intel
The number of deaths at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital caused by the misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad missile on Wednesday night may have been grossly misrepresented by local sources, according to Thursday reports from a number of independent intelligence sources as well as European news sources.Local Hamas-run Gazan sources allege that 471 people were…

This is the drug Hamas terrorists took to help them slaughter Israelis
Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.The pills were recovered…

Goldberg: Israel and Ukraine? It’s the same war on two fronts
In normal times domestic political fights over foreign policy break down more or less along a conventional left-right divide. These are not normal times.The right is largely united around the need to support Israel in its war with Hamas, but increasingly divided about backing Ukraine in its war with Russia. The left is largely united around the need…

Blast Goes Off at Orthodox Church Campus in Gaza
Live Coverage FeedThe area at St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza City where an explosion occurred. (Ali Jadallah/Anadolu/Getty Images)A blast went off at a building on the premises of the St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church campus in Gaza City on Thursday night while dozens of Palestinian families were sheltering there. Rescuers were pulling…
British PM to visit Israel Thursday
Fighting is ongoing after Hamas launched an attack on Israel on Oct. 7.Thousands of people have died and thousands more were injured after the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel retaliated with a bombing campaign and total siege of the neighboring Gaza Strip, leaving the region on the verge…

Israel-Hamas war rages as Gaza humanitarian crisis continues: Live updates – CNN
Israel-Hamas war rages as Gaza humanitarian crisis continues: Live updates  CNN
Israel-Hamas war live updates: Violence erupts in the West Bank … – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Israel-Hamas war live updates: Violence erupts in the West Bank …  NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

This is the drug Hamas terrorists took to help them slaughter Israelis
Captagon pills were found in the pockets of Hamas terrorists.
Ex-FBI agent, DC real estate developer sentenced to prison for bribery scheme – Fox News
Ex-FBI agent, DC real estate developer sentenced to prison for bribery scheme  Fox News
NYC Attorney General Levels Major Fraud Lawsuit Against Crypto Firms
The New York attorney general filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing three major cryptocurrency players of lying to investors and concealing losses in a $1 billion fraud scheme, Ephrat Livni reports for the New York Times. Attorney general Latitia James targets Gemini Trust, the lender Genesis Capital and Digital Currency Group, the parent company of Genesis,…
FBI Agents Are Using Face Recognition Without Proper Training – Slashdot
FBI Agents Are Using Face Recognition Without Proper Training  Slashdot
Inside the FBI’s DDOS investigations with Special Agent Elliott … – CyberScoop
Inside the FBI’s DDOS investigations with Special Agent Elliott …  CyberScoop
Former FBI Special Agent From MD, DC Realtor Get Prison Time For … – Daily Voice
Former FBI Special Agent From MD, DC Realtor Get Prison Time For …  Daily Voice

Robert Menendez: Senator’s wife pleads not guilty in foreign agent case
Robert Menendez and his wife are accused of using their influence to help Egypt’s government.
Biden Tells Netanyahu Gaza Hospital Explosion Appears To Have Been Done By ‘The Other Team’ – Forbes
Biden Tells Netanyahu Gaza Hospital Explosion Appears To Have Been Done By ‘The Other Team’  Forbes
Guardian fires cartoonist over Netanyahu cartoon panned as antisemitic – The Times of Israel
Guardian fires cartoonist over Netanyahu cartoon panned as antisemitic  The Times of Israel
Biden prepares Oval Office speech on wars in Israel and Ukraine, asking billions – Yahoo News
Biden prepares Oval Office speech on wars in Israel and Ukraine, asking billions  Yahoo News

Russia says fighter jets intercepted British planes over Black Sea
Russia has previously reported a number of incidents in which its fighter jets were scrambled to intercept military planes from Norway, another NATO member, over the Barents Sea.
Milley says the military doesn’t swear oath to a ‘wannabe dictator’ in … – CNN
Milley says the military doesn’t swear oath to a ‘wannabe dictator’ in …  CNN

US Attorney General Garland warns of rise in threats tied to Israel-Hamas war
2023-10-19T16:14:55ZU.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies before a House Judiciary Committee hearing on “Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice” on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 20, 2023. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/File PhotoU.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said on Thursday that the Justice Department is monitoring an…
Biden prepares Oval Office speech on wars in Israel and Ukraine, asking billions
President Joe Biden will deliver only the second Oval Office address of his term on Thursday night to make the case for U.S. backing of Ukraine and Israel in a time of war.

Новости США за минуту: Байден в Израиле
Возвращение Байдена в США // Выборы спикера // B-52 в Южной Корее // Остин встретился с Шэппсом // Нефть Венесуэлы Главные новости США за 19 октября 2023 Новости, аналитика, репортажи о США, России и странах постсоветского пространства на страницах «Голоса Америки»: Подпишитесь на наш канал в YouTube:…

How the Soviet Union helped terrorism go global
By SEAN DURNS SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 21:19 A HISTORIC poster of Vladimir Lenin on display in St. Petersburg (photo credit: REUTERS) This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Soviet Union, and with it the imposition of a communist dictatorship in Tsarist Russia and beyond. The…

Poroshenko: Wagner signature behind Hamas attack
The former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko told Euractiv he was “absolutely sure” that instructors from the Russian mercenary group Wagner were transferred from Syria to Gaza to help prepare the terrorist attacks on Israel on 7 October. Poroshenko, president from 2014 to 2019 and now heads the European Solidarity party, was visiting Brussels ahead…

What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza invasion?
A view shows smoke in the Gaza Strip as seen from Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, in southern Israel October 18, 2023. REUTERS/Amir Cohen Acquire Licensing RightsDUBAI/WASHINGTON, Oct 18 (Reuters) – Israel is vowing to wipe out Hamas in a relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip but has no obvious endgame in sight, with no clear plan for how to…

400 Russians Seek Evacuation From Besieged Gaza Strip
Around 400 Russian nationals are seeking to evacuate the Gaza Strip as the Israeli military continues to bombard the coastal enclave in retaliation to Hamas’ surprise attack, Russia’s diplomatic mission in Palestine said Thursday. Alia Zaripova, the spokeswoman for Russia’s representative mission in Ramallah, said Moscow was working to evacuate its…

Moscow Seeks to Benefit From Fighting in Gaza
Russia’s war against Ukraine crosses the 600-day mark today, and the fighting between Israel and the Hamas terrorists based in Gaza is on its tenth day. The effects of the latter on the former are still emerging. The interplay between these two major breakdowns in the world order is certain to be strong. Russian President Vladimir Putin already is…

Everything we know about the Gaza hospital strike
In a conflict already freighted with allegations of war crimes, a strike on a Gaza City hospital on Tuesday has divided opinion, set back hopes for a diplomatic end to fighting and deepened global anguish over the prospect of more civilian deaths.The early evening blast at the al-Ahli Hospital killed 471 and injured more than 300, a spokesman for Gaza’s…

The Israel-Hamas war is the latest proof Russia is an agent of chaos
By Aleksandar Đokić, Political scientist and analyst The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent in any way the editorial position of Euronews. Russia’s leadership doesn’t even have a stable, non-contradictory set of principles or values it adheres to, and its hodgepodge of narratives shows it is trying to fuel…

Putin, GRU, and Wagner Group are behind the Gaza War and the attack on al Ahli Arab Hospital, timed to undermine the Biden’s visit
Putin, GRU, and Wagner Group are behind the Gaza War and the attack on al Ahli Arab Hospital, timed to undermine the Biden’s visitSearch inside imageRussia’s Wagner likely to need new recruits in future, says Prigozhin | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera-The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

Hundreds killed as Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupts again – Euronews | Israel and Middle East
US sanctions 10 Hamas members and financial network over Israel assaultposted at 16:15:58 UTC via The Times of IsraelTreasury Secretary Janet Yellen says Washington taking ‘swift’ action in wake of massive terror attack; officials warn those who don’t comply with measures will suffer consequencesPrime Minister Netanyahu’s popularity sinking amid Hamas…

Gaza hospital blast: what we know about the explosion
Rescue personnel work at scene At Al-Ahli Hospital, after hundreds of Palestinians were killed in a blast at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza that Israeli and Palestinian officials blamed on each other in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, in this screen grab obtained from video, October 17, 2023. REUTERS/Reuters TV Acquire Licensing RightsOct 18 (Reuters) – A blast at…

Biden Recounts ‘Blunt’ Talks With Israel, Backs Its Account of Gaza Hospital Blast
Latest developments: U.S. President Joe Biden, visiting Tel Aviv, said he was “very blunt” with Israelis, even as he sided with them on who’s to blame for the Gaza hospital blast. Egypt will allow aid trucks to enter Gaza. Hundreds are killed when a rocket hits Gaza City’s Ahli Arab Hospital. Hamas blamed Israel; Israel blamed Palestinian militants;…

Biden vows aid for Gaza, Israel as protests rock Middle East
TEL AVIV/GAZA, Oct 18 (Reuters) – U.S. President Joe Biden pledged to help Israel and the Palestinians during a lightning visit on Wednesday, but a deadly hospital blast that he ascribed to an errant rocket fired by Gaza militants derailed talks to prevent the war spreading.Raising fears of wider instability, protesters staged anti-Israeli demonstrations…

The Games Putin Plays
The Games Putin PlaysThe start of the Gaza War on 10.7.23 is attributed by many observers to the Russian Wagner Group. The same can be said about the later attack on the al Ahli Arab Hospital. It appears to be their style, as in Ukraine, Syria, etc. The timing to the events around Putin is also observed. This Hypothesis has to be carefully investigated,…

Gaza hospital explosion: Deliberate attack by the Wagner Group?
Search inside imageWhy is Russia’s Wagner Group in Sudan, and what does it have to do with the war in Ukraine?WatchExperts claim that the Wagner Group is in Sudan to provide Russia with access to resources and help it fund the war in Ukraine.Gaza hospital explosion: Deliberate attack by the Wagner Group? – Google SearchThe News And Times Information…

This is another good example of the Open Source CounterIntelligence Analysis: By Josh Rogin: Opinion Putin is helping Hamas to hurt the West posted at 18:46:28 UTC via
M.N.: This is another good example of the Open Source CounterIntelligence Analysis: The Washington PostSearch inside imageJosh Rogin – The Washington Post Opinion Putin is helping Hamas to hurt the Westposted at 18:46:28 UTC via washingtonpost.comBy Josh RoginColumnistOctober 17, 2023 at 7:15 a.m. EDTIsmail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas’s political…

Biden to the Middle East – 12:37 PM 10/17/2023
US, Israelis discussing potential Biden visit to Israel, source says – Reutersposted at 16:27:51 UTC via “Biden to Middle East” – Google News  ReutersBiden to Middle East12:37 PM 10/17/2023from Michael Novakhov on InoreaderPresident Joe Biden will visit Israel in high-stakes tripposted at 16:30:15 UTC via Bing: Biden to Middle EastPublished 8:08 PM…

Full Text Articles – Audio Posts: Hamas attack ends relations between Netanyahu and Putin … Palestinian militant group received funds from sanctioned Russian crypto-exchange … ‘It was a pogrom’: Be’eri survivors on the horrific attack by Hamas terrorists … Putin pushes need for talks in calls with Israeli, Arab and Iranian leaders … Russia ready to help end Middle East crisis, Putin tells Netanyahu
#FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIAHypocrite Putin set up the Gaza fire via Wagner Group, and now he pretends to fight it! – GS Poroshenko: Wagner signature behind Hamas attack › He said the same Russian signature was seen in the…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 17, 2023 – “The…

Poroshenko said he was “absolutely convinced” of Russian hands in preparing for the attack and alleged that Russian instructors affiliated with the Wagner Group were transferred from Syria to Gaza to train terrorists.
Putin said Friday that Israel has the right to defend itself (Image: Getty)Poroshenko said he was “absolutely convinced” of Russian hands in preparing for the attack and alleged that Russian instructors affiliated with the Wagner Group were transferred from Syria to Gaza to train terrorists.Speaking to Euractiv, he said: “I am absolutely convinced that…

Putin elbows his way into Gaza conflict as fears grow Hamas trained by Wagner … Hamas denies any communication from Egypt on opening of Rafah border crossing … Egypt Denies Passage of Foreigners Through Rafah Without Aid Agreement
 Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And TimesHamas denies any communication from Egypt on opening of Rafah border crossingGAZA CITY, Palestine The head of the media office in Gaza on Monday denied any contact from Egypt on the opening of the Rafah border crossing.”We have not received any communication or…

Support for Israel has been decisive and real — a stark contrast to the West’s grudging aid for Ukraine – ABC News
 Support for Israel has been decisive and real — a stark contrast to the West’s grudging aid for Ukraine – ABC Newsposted at 19:08:54 UTC via a broad geopolitical level, the biggest loser of the Israel-Gaza war is Ukraine. The biggest winner is Russia’s Vladimir Putin.Having two major wars happening at the same time will take momentum from…

IS PUTIN BEHIND THE GAZA WAR? Wagner PMC mercenaries say they had received offers to fight for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for $6,000 a month … Putin and Gaza War: Gaza conflict offers strategic opening for Russia in Ukraine war … Hamas Attack Ends a Delicate Entente Between Russia and Israel … Israel-Gaza conflict: an opportunity for Putin while the world is distracted … Israel’s Blindness Toward Russia Will Prove to Be a Poor Choice – Israel News – … Putin Offers Muted Response to Attack on Israel. That Speaks Volumes.
 Putin meets with top Wagner commander Andrei Troshev 6,328 views Sep 29, 2023 #russia #wagnergroupRussian President Vladimir Putin was shown on state television on Friday (September 29) meeting Andrei Troshev, one of the most senior former commanders of the Wagner mercenary group – seen here on the right. They discussed how best to use “volunteer…


Why U.S. intel says Israel did not attack Gaza hospital
U.S. intelligence has concluded that the Israeli Defense Forces did not attack the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City and that 500 civilians did not die there, according to multiple officials in Washington.The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has said that at least 500 people were killed in the blast at the hospital on Tuesday. Hamas has promised to…

Watch: Putin offers Biden ominous ‘cup of tea’ invitation
The Beijing trip is his first visit to a major world power since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February. His overseas travel plans have been curtailed since March, when the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant over alleged war crimes in Ukraine.In a previously unannounced speech at the opening ceremony, he…

Putin’s tea taunt for Biden over claim Russia has lost Ukraine war
US war against Russia and China is nonsense talk, says PutinOctober 16 2023, 12.10pmMarc Bennetts | Gavin Blair, Tokyo

Israel-Hamas War: Biden Affirms Evidence Backing Israel’s Denial of Causing Hospital Blast
President Biden also appeared to have secured Israel’s agreement to allow food, water and medicine for civilians to enter Gaza via Egypt.
Biden Affirms Evidence Backing Israel’s Denial of Causing Hospital … – The New York Times
Biden Affirms Evidence Backing Israel’s Denial of Causing Hospital …  The New York Times
President Biden’s Middle East visit reveals the challenges for US diplomacy – and the cost of American withdrawal from … – Chatham House
President Biden’s Middle East visit reveals the challenges for US diplomacy – and the cost of American withdrawal from …  Chatham House
Biden’s Middle East trip has messages for both global and domestic … – El Paso Inc.
Biden’s Middle East trip has messages for both global and domestic …  El Paso Inc.
Will Falcon be Egypt’s Wagner? – Middle East Monitor – Middle East Monitor
Will Falcon be Egypt’s Wagner? – Middle East Monitor  Middle East Monitor

Will Falcon be Egypt’s Wagner?
Threads are joining in Egypt, towards formulating new roles, which may be suspicious, for a major security company, with ties to the government, security and intelligence departments, amid great fears that dirty and secret tasks will be assigned to it in the coming period. Questions have arisen about the nature of the tasks of the Falcon Security…

“Imagery, Intercepts” Show Israel Not Behind Gaza Hospital Strike, Says US
Nearly 500 people were killed in the explosion.Washington: US intelligence shows Israel was not to blame for a strike on a Gaza hospital, the White House said Wednesday, as President Joe Biden said it appeared to be the result of a misfired rocket fired by a “terrorist group”.Biden has backed Israel’s insistence that it did not carry out Tuesday’s hospital…

Laor Abramov, 20: Aspiring DJ from New Jersey
Murdered at the Supernova music festival, Oct. 7

Israel-Hamas war: US says ‘analysis of imagery and intercepts’ shows Israelis not behind Gaza hospital blast
US officials investigating the explosion at a hospital in Gaza say information gathered so far indicates Israel is “not responsible” for the blast.The White House National Security Council (NSC) says the “current assessment” was based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information.”While we continue to collect information,…
Gaza Hospital Explosion: What We Know – The New York Times
Gaza Hospital Explosion: What We Know  The New York TimesGaza hospital blast: What we know so far about the Al-Alhi Baptist Hospital attack  CNNUS intel, European source put Gaza hospital death toll at dozens or low hundreds  The Times of Israel
Biden Affirms Evidence Backing Israel’s Denial of Causing Hospital … – The New York Times
Biden Affirms Evidence Backing Israel’s Denial of Causing Hospital …  The New York Times
UAE Quick To Blame Israel Over Hospital Bombing Amid Pressures – ایران اینترنشنال
UAE Quick To Blame Israel Over Hospital Bombing Amid Pressures  ایران اینترنشنال
US targets Iran missile, drone programs as UN measures lapse – AOL
US targets Iran missile, drone programs as UN measures lapse  AOL
Oil jumps as Iran increases rhetoric against Israel, US stockpiles drop – Yahoo Finance
Oil jumps as Iran increases rhetoric against Israel, US stockpiles drop  Yahoo Finance

World Jewish Congress head Ron Lauder threatens to pull University of Pennsylvania funding, citing antisemitism
Billionaire Ronald Lauder, who heads the World Jewish Congress, threatened to pull funding from the University of Pennsylvania and accused its president of failing to fight antisemitism on campus. “You are forcing me to reexamine my financial support absent satisfactory measures to address antisemitism at the university,” he wrote Monday in a letter…

Northern border heats up with fresh rocket fire, Hezbollah attacks on IDF posts
2 Hezbollah members killed; one moderately hurt in latest strike claimed by Lebanese terror group; Israeli tank shells squads preparing attacks, drone hits mortar-launching cell

Hundreds killed after strike on Gaza hospital | AFP
More than 470 people have been killed by a strike on the Ahli Arab hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip, says the Hamas-controlled health ministry. Israel and Palestinian militants have traded blame for the attack. The Israeli army says it has evidence the hospital was hit by an Islamic Jihad rocket that misfired. The strike has unleashed a torrent of…
‘End This Else…’: Putin Roars At Israel, U.S. After Gaza Hospital Attack | Watch – Hindustan Times
‘End This Else…’: Putin Roars At Israel, U.S. After Gaza Hospital Attack | Watch  Hindustan Times
Putin calls US supply of ATACMS weapons to Ukraine ‘another mistake’ – The Guardian
Putin calls US supply of ATACMS weapons to Ukraine ‘another mistake’  The Guardian
Putin’s tea taunt for Biden over claim Russia has lost Ukraine war – The Times
Putin’s tea taunt for Biden over claim Russia has lost Ukraine war  The Times

Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Call with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant to receive updates on Israel’s operations to restore security in the wake of ongoing terror attacks.
Live updates | Biden meets with Israeli leaders as tensions grow … – KSTP
Live updates | Biden meets with Israeli leaders as tensions grow …  KSTP
US ‘prolonging’ Ukraine’s agony: Vladimir Putin lists Washington’s mistakes – Hindustan Times
US ‘prolonging’ Ukraine’s agony: Vladimir Putin lists Washington’s mistakes  Hindustan Times
New missiles won’t help Ukraine, says Vladimir Putin in China – Hindustan Times
New missiles won’t help Ukraine, says Vladimir Putin in China  Hindustan Times
Ukraine War Map Shows Counteroffensive Gains as US M1 Abrams Tanks Arrive – Newsweek
Ukraine War Map Shows Counteroffensive Gains as US M1 Abrams Tanks Arrive  Newsweek
Biden trip ends with promise of humanitarian aid to Gaza, backs Israel over hospital blast – Fox News
Biden trip ends with promise of humanitarian aid to Gaza, backs Israel over hospital blast  Fox News

WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Says Intelligence Shows Gaza Militants Behind Hospital Blast
Deadly blast provokes protests, anger in Middle East and complicates Biden’s visitPart of the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital compound on Wednesday, following the explosion a day earlier. Abed Khaled/Associated Press
Israel says it won’t block humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Egypt – Al Jazeera English
Israel says it won’t block humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Egypt  Al Jazeera English
Israel agrees food, water and medicine can enter Gaza via Egypt – The Jerusalem Post
Israel agrees food, water and medicine can enter Gaza via Egypt  The Jerusalem Post

Israel Latest: Biden Says Pentagon Showed Him Blast Evidence
(Bloomberg) — US President Joe Biden said he’d been shown evidence by the Pentagon suggesting Israel wasn’t responsible for the deadly blast at a Gaza City hospital on Tuesday night that killed hundreds and threatened to plunge the region into chaos.Most Read from Bloomberg“Based on what I’ve seen, that appears as though it was done by the other team,”…
Israel Latest: Biden Says Pentagon Showed Him Blast Evidence – Yahoo Finance
Israel Latest: Biden Says Pentagon Showed Him Blast Evidence  Yahoo Finance
Militant Nationalism Is Reshaping Identity in Iran and Saudi Arabia – World Politics Review
Militant Nationalism Is Reshaping Identity in Iran and Saudi Arabia  World Politics Review
Watch: Israel releases images it claims prove IDF not responsible for Gaza hospital blast – CNN
Watch: Israel releases images it claims prove IDF not responsible for Gaza hospital blast  CNN
Iran warns ‘time is up’ in ominous message to Israel as concerns … – New York Post
Iran warns ‘time is up’ in ominous message to Israel as concerns …  New York Post
Iran shares chilling message for Israel after Gaza hospital explosion kills 500: ‘Time is OVER’ – Fox News
Iran shares chilling message for Israel after Gaza hospital explosion kills 500: ‘Time is OVER’  Fox News
Video: Protests break out across Middle East after deadly hospital … – CNN
Video: Protests break out across Middle East after deadly hospital …  CNN
Oil climbs after deadly Gaza hospital blast with Iran reportedly calling for Israel oil embargo – MarketWatch
Oil climbs after deadly Gaza hospital blast with Iran reportedly calling for Israel oil embargo  MarketWatch
Biden admin unveils sanctions on Hamas, other Iran-linked entities – Fox Business
Biden admin unveils sanctions on Hamas, other Iran-linked entities  Fox Business
The Israel-Hamas War Could Be Influenced by China. Here’s How – TIME
The Israel-Hamas War Could Be Influenced by China. Here’s How  TIME
Where in Gaza is al-Ahli Arab Hospital hit amid war with Israel? – Al Jazeera English
Where in Gaza is al-Ahli Arab Hospital hit amid war with Israel?  Al Jazeera English
Israel says it wants to destroy Hamas. But who would govern Gaza after that? – NBC News
Israel says it wants to destroy Hamas. But who would govern Gaza after that?  NBC News
Hamas leaders claim Israel’s proof over who is to blame for Gaza … – Daily Mail
Hamas leaders claim Israel’s proof over who is to blame for Gaza …  Daily Mail
Rethinking Palestine-Israel: Hegemonic security vs true justice – Al Jazeera English
Rethinking Palestine-Israel: Hegemonic security vs true justice  Al Jazeera English
Watch live: Biden speaks from Israel after meeting with Netanyahu – The Hill
Watch live: Biden speaks from Israel after meeting with Netanyahu  The Hill
Video Biden meets with Netanyahu – ABC News
Video Biden meets with Netanyahu  ABC News
NPR News: 10-18-2023 10AM EDT
NPR News: 10-18-2023 10AM EDTThe post NPR News: 10-18-2023 10AM EDT first appeared on The South Caucasus News.
Gaza carnage spreads anger across Mideast, alarming US allies … – Stars and Stripes
Gaza carnage spreads anger across Mideast, alarming US allies …  Stars and Stripes
Israel-Gaza conflict erupts into fighting after attack by Palestinian … – CNN
Israel-Gaza conflict erupts into fighting after attack by Palestinian …  CNN

Hong Kong court rules that gay couples get equal housing rights
A Hong Kong court dismissed a government bid to deny same-sex married couples the right to rent and own public housing.
Musk’s X tests $1 fee for new users in the Philippines and New Zealand in bid to target spam – Boston Herald
Musk’s X tests $1 fee for new users in the Philippines and New Zealand in bid to target spam  Boston Herald
Assailants Waving Israeli Flag Caught On Brooklyn Surveillance Video – Patch
Assailants Waving Israeli Flag Caught On Brooklyn Surveillance Video  Patch

The Games Putin Plays
The Games Putin PlaysThe start of the Gaza War on 10.7.23 is attributed by many observers to the Russian Wagner Group. The same can be said about the later attack on the al Ahli Arab Hospital. It appears to be their style, as in Ukraine, Syria, etc. The timing to the events around Putin was also noted. This Hypothesis has to be carefully investigated,…

Opinion | The Games Putin Plays (Published 2014)
The events in Ukraine offer a lesson in the limits of Russia’s grand strategy.

Why is Russia’s Wagner Group of mercenaries in Sudan?
Experts claim that the Wagner Group is in Sudan to provide Russia with access to resources and help it fund the war in Ukraine. ADVERTISEMENTRussia’s Wagner Group has been present in Sudan since 2017. And amid the unfolding power struggle in the country, some have expressed fears that the mercenary group is fuelling the conflict and possibly acting…

VIDEO | Gaza hospital explosion: both Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad deny responsibility – Baltic News Network
On Tuesday, the 17th of October, a bomb ripped through the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City, killing hundreds of people. Palestinian officials blamed the blast on an Israeli air strike, but the Israeli military says it was caused by a failed rocket attack by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which the militant group denies, reports the BBC. Gaza’s health ministry…

In deadly day for Gaza, hospital strike kills hundreds | Reuters
GAZA, Oct 17 (Reuters) – Gaza’s health ministry spokesman said an Israeli air strike on Tuesday killed hundreds of people at a hospital in the Palestinian enclave, but Israel said a Palestinian barrage had caused the blast.The death toll was by far the highest of any single incident in Gaza during the current violence, triggering protests in the occupied…

Biden says Gaza hospital blast ‘appears as though it was done by the other team’ and not Israel
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — President Joe Biden vowed to show the world that the U.S. stands in solidarity with Israelis during his visit there Wednesday, and offered an assessment that the deadly explosion at a Gaza Strip hospital apparently was not carried out by the Israeli military. “Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the…

An Invasion of Gaza Would Be a Disaster for Israel
In the early morning of October 13, the Israeli military issued a warning to the 1.2 million Palestinians of northern Gaza: they must evacuate within 24 hours, in advance of a probable ground invasion. Such an Israeli assault would have the avowed goal of ending Hamas as an organization in retaliation for its shocking October 7 surprise attack into…
Oil prices rise after Gaza hospital blast prompts global concern – The Guardian
Oil prices rise after Gaza hospital blast prompts global concern  The Guardian
Israel-Gaza live updates: Biden arrives in Israel on high-stakes diplomatic trip to war-torn region – ABC News
Israel-Gaza live updates: Biden arrives in Israel on high-stakes diplomatic trip to war-torn region  ABC News
An Invasion of Gaza Would Be a Disaster for Israel – Foreign Affairs Magazine
An Invasion of Gaza Would Be a Disaster for Israel  Foreign Affairs Magazine

Liberman: UN doesn’t care about Gaza, ignores other countries – opinion
The UN should be more focused on the city of Darna in Libya, a quarter of which was destroyed by the floods, or providing aid to Sudan and Syria, than terrorist-ruled Gaza.
Israel-Hamas war: Biden’s hopes for quiet Middle East shattered – The Washington Post – The Washington Post
Israel-Hamas war: Biden’s hopes for quiet Middle East shattered – The Washington Post  The Washington Post
Biden pledges solidarity with Israelis and suggests ‘other team’ to blame for Gaza hospital blast – The Associated Press
Biden pledges solidarity with Israelis and suggests ‘other team’ to blame for Gaza hospital blast  The Associated Press
Joe Biden warns Israel to avoid 9/11 ‘mistakes’ – Financial Times
Joe Biden warns Israel to avoid 9/11 ‘mistakes’  Financial Times
Israel-Hamas war live: Israel claims it has proof failed rocket launch caused hospital blast in Gaza as Joe Biden arrives in Tel Aviv – The Guardian
Israel-Hamas war live: Israel claims it has proof failed rocket launch caused hospital blast in Gaza as Joe Biden arrives in Tel Aviv  The Guardian

Explained: How Israel’s War Has Driven Gaza Hospitals To Breaking Point – NDTV
Explained: How Israel’s War Has Driven Gaza Hospitals To Breaking Point  NDTV
Israel-Hamas war live updates: Death toll climbs as strikes continue; Biden to address nation on Israel and Ukraine Thursday – CNBC
Israel-Hamas war live updates: Death toll climbs as strikes continue; Biden to address nation on Israel and Ukraine Thursday  CNBCOctober 16, 2023 – Israel-Hamas war news  CNNIsrael-Hamas war live updates: Biden backs Israel over Gaza hospital blast; Israel says it will not prevent Gaza aid from Egypt  CBS News

Biden: Israel has a value set like the US does
US Pres. Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu give joint statement. Biden: The world is looking to see what we’re going to do. Watch.

Lapid urges Smotrich to use coalition discretionary fund to help southern communities
Opposition chief says money should aid those left in financial straits following Hamas’s October 7 massacre; finance minister says Lapid snubbed invite to meeting

The US-Israel alliance: A major help in the war with Hamas, Iran – opinion
President Biden’s visit to Israel is an important milestone and is an opportunity to lead the world now to confront the terrorists of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.
X to test $1 subscription fee for new users – Axios
X to test $1 subscription fee for new users  Axios
Biden lands in Israel as chaos rises across Middle East – Axios
Biden lands in Israel as chaos rises across Middle East  Axios
Everything you need to know about Israel’s war with Hamas – CNN
Everything you need to know about Israel’s war with Hamas  CNN
This network of tunnels used by Hamas is a key Israeli target – SBS News
This network of tunnels used by Hamas is a key Israeli target  SBS News
Israel and Hamas at war: Latest news – Reuters
Israel and Hamas at war: Latest news  Reuters
In Tel Aviv, Biden backs Israel, says ‘terrorist group in Gaza’ apparently responsible for hospital blast – NBC News
In Tel Aviv, Biden backs Israel, says ‘terrorist group in Gaza’ apparently responsible for hospital blast  NBC News
Israel-Hamas war: Biden backs Israel over Gaza hospital blast; Israel says it will not prevent Gaza aid from entering Egypt – CBS News
Israel-Hamas war: Biden backs Israel over Gaza hospital blast; Israel says it will not prevent Gaza aid from entering Egypt  CBS News
Egypt strongly condemns Israeli bombing of Gaza Baptist Hospital … – Daily News Egypt
Egypt strongly condemns Israeli bombing of Gaza Baptist Hospital …  Daily News Egypt
Ben Gvir again excluded from top-level security meeting – The Times of Israel
Ben Gvir again excluded from top-level security meeting  The Times of Israel
WATCH: Biden Lands in Israel, Greeted by Netanyahu – Bloomberg
WATCH: Biden Lands in Israel, Greeted by Netanyahu  Bloomberg
Biden tells Netanyahu that explosion at Gaza hospital appears to … – The Durango Herald
Biden tells Netanyahu that explosion at Gaza hospital appears to …  The Durango Herald
Biden meets Netanyahu, says Gaza hospital blast caused ‘by the other side’ – India Today
Biden meets Netanyahu, says Gaza hospital blast caused ‘by the other side’  India Today
Gaza under blockade: Palestinians are running out of food and water – Richmond Times-Dispatch
Gaza under blockade: Palestinians are running out of food and water  Richmond Times-Dispatch

Chief Rabbi Yosef prays at his father’s grave for IDF success
Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef marks annniversary of father’s passing by praying at his father’s grave for IDF’s success.
Biden Says He Is “Outraged And Deeply Saddened” By Gaza Hospital Attack – NDTV
Biden Says He Is “Outraged And Deeply Saddened” By Gaza Hospital Attack  NDTV
Live. Israel Hamas war: Gaza hospital strike protests, Biden Arab leaders summit cancelled, ceasefire call – Euronews
Live. Israel Hamas war: Gaza hospital strike protests, Biden Arab leaders summit cancelled, ceasefire call  Euronews
Israel Gaza War, Israel Hamas War, Gaza Hospital Attack: Gaza Residents Thought Hospitals Were Safe Spaces. Last … – NDTV
Israel Gaza War, Israel Hamas War, Gaza Hospital Attack: Gaza Residents Thought Hospitals Were Safe Spaces. Last …  NDTV

Berlin synagogue firebombed, with antisemitism spiking as Gaza war rages
German Jewish community group says two assailants involved in attack: ‘Hamas’s ideology of extermination against everything Jewish is also having an effect in Germany’
Russia’s Lavrov visits North Korea amid claims of military cooperation – Al Jazeera English
Russia’s Lavrov visits North Korea amid claims of military cooperation  Al Jazeera English
UN chief Guterres condemns ‘collective punishment’ of Palestinians – Al Jazeera English
UN chief Guterres condemns ‘collective punishment’ of Palestinians  Al Jazeera English
Biden lands in Israel for high-stakes trip amid war with Hamas – NBC News
Biden lands in Israel for high-stakes trip amid war with Hamas  NBC News
U.S. Tells World to Back Israel’s Gaza Strikes as Civilian Toll Rises – The New York Times
U.S. Tells World to Back Israel’s Gaza Strikes as Civilian Toll Rises  The New York Times
Monday Briefing: Israel-Hamas war: Conflict scenarios, risks of … – Middle East Institute
Monday Briefing: Israel-Hamas war: Conflict scenarios, risks of …  Middle East Institute
Biden warns Israel against occupying Gaza as ground invasion … – Egypt Independent
Biden warns Israel against occupying Gaza as ground invasion …  Egypt Independent
Israel hits hospital and school in Gaza as blockade puts healthcare … – msnNOW
Israel hits hospital and school in Gaza as blockade puts healthcare …  msnNOW

The post The Second front in Ukraine War: Israel against Russia first appeared on The News And Times –