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News Review – 8:11 AM 12/18/2023 – FBI COINTELPRO Is Back, And Worse Than Ever … The SPETSNAZ HYPOTHESIS Of The Accidents November – December 2022 – Selected Tweets … INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS IN DEPTH! Put the FBI criminals in prison! … Top secret US intelligence file on Putin disappeared during Trump presidency … Give Russia’s Frozen Assets to Ukraine Now … In Israel, US defense chief to look to next phase of Gaza war

Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles – 8:11 AM 12/18/2023 – Post Link


The report found no collusion between Mr Trump and Putin, but it ruled that Mr Trump was “receptive” to offers of assistance from the Russians.

The binder is believed to have been held at the CIA, with intelligence officials requiring top-level clearance to handle it within the agency’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

But it later went missing during a frantic attempt to declassify reports relating to Russian interference by Mr Trump and his aides as he prepared to leave office in January 2021, multiple sources told CNN.

One aide to Mark Meadows, Mr Trump’s chief of staff, has testified to Congress that she is “almost positive it went home with [him]”. Mr Meadows denies that allegation.

The binder had not been found in Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where other classified documents were discovered, despite aides’ attempts to track it down, according to the report.

The existence of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago has since become the subject of a federal indictment against Mr Trump, who faces trial in Florida.

While the disappearance of classified documents at the end of Mr Trump’s tenure in the White House has been previously reported and investigated, the disappearance of the Russian interference binder was revealed yesterday.

Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s press secretary, appeared to suggest that the Kremlin is hoping Mr Trump will win next year’s presidential election.

Rare interview

Mr Peskov told NBC in a rare interview with foreign press that the Russian president wants a more constructive relationship with the US built on the “importance of dialogue”.

Asked directly about Mr Trump, Mr Peskov said Putin wants to work with “anyone who will understand that from now on, you have to be more careful with Russia, and you have to take into account its concerns”.

Mr Trump has previously been criticised for his approach to Russia, and has described Putin as “smart” and a “genius” for his approach to the invasion of Ukraine.

He has also promised to end the war in Ukraine “in one day” if he was elected president, by brokering negotiations between the two countries.

In return, Putin has said he “cannot help but feel happy” about Mr Trump’s plan to “resolve all burning issues within several days”. The former US president responded: “I like that he said that, because that means what I’m saying is right.”

However, on Friday, Mr Peskov said the conflict was “too complicated” to end so quickly, and admitted for the first time it was a “war” rather than a “special military operation” – the phrase Russia has used until now to describe its activity in Ukraine.

Attacking the US, the Russian spokesman said the Biden administration was fuelling the war and putting Ukrainians at risk.

He said: “You are telling them: ‘Go and die. Don’t worry, we will give you enough money and enough armaments, but you should go and die.’ And you know pretty well that they cannot win.”

Putin should pay for the damage his invasion has caused, and the money is needed immediately.

Firefighters and rescue workers at the scene of a Russian missile strike on Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Nicole Tung / The New York Times / Redux

December 18, 2023, 6 AM ET

A majority of Americans and a majority of Congress want to help Ukraine win the war against Russia, and to stop the spread of autocracy into Europe. A majority of people in the European Union and a majority of EU leaders want the same. But small minorities of lawmakers—some inspired by Russian President Vladimir Putin or his money, some bent on bargaining for other things—have managed to block or delay that aid.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the crunch has arrived. The far-right faction that now controls the Republican Party captured the House last year and has successfully blocked a new spending bill for many months.The prime minister of Hungary, himself a de facto autocrat, is also blocking an EU financial package for Ukraine. Eventually the European prime ministers and the Biden administration alike may well do deals and allocate the money. But in the meantime—and just in case they fail—there is something else that American and European governments can do.

George Packer: ‘We only need some metal things’

At the very beginning of the conflict, the U.S., the EU, the United Kingdom, and other democratic governments jointly froze more than $300 billion in Russian sovereign assets, mostly in Europe. This is money that Russia cannot sell or borrow against. Nor can Russia make use of any of the interest this money earns. At the time, many believed that the decision to freeze these assets would shock the Russian government into pulling back. That did not happen. After nearly two years, the countries that hold these assets—all of them—should take the next step and transfer the money to Ukraine.

Lawrence Tribe, the American constitutional scholar, has been promoting this idea for some time. In September, he and a team of lawyers published a 187-page report making the “legal, practical, and moral case” for transferring Russian assets to Ukraine. The moral argument is the easiest: Russia should pay for the damage it has done to Ukraine. The fundamental legal case, Tribe told me, rests on the many treaties that Russia broke by invading Ukraine, destroying whole cities, murdering civilians, deliberately damaging power grids and grain storage. By doing so, Russia lost any standing to complain about the violation of its sovereignty or property rights, since it denies those to Ukraine.

In truth, we in the West already crossed that bridge when we froze the assets in the first place. “If you have the authority to freeze the assets,” Tribe told me, “you have taken them away from the sovereign that claimed to be their owner. Why should they now have to lie idle while a country is decimated?” The frozen assets would solve some of Ukraine’s immediate budgetary and financial problems. More important, $300 billion is a reasonable down payment on the reparations that Russia should pay to Ukraine. Russian money should rightly compensate Ukrainians for the harm that Russia has done, and help rebuild the Ukrainian infrastructure that Russia destroyed.

Casey Michel: Make Russia pay

The strongest Western objections to transferring the frozen Russian money to Ukraine have been practical ones. Tribe cited an “inchoate concern that hegemony of the dollar will be threatened, and people’s willingness to park reserves in the U.S. and other Western countries will be jeopardized.” Some countries may fear that their own assets could be at risk if kept in Western financial institutions, and will instead place them in China or elsewhere. A handful of Europeans fear that redistributing the money would set a precedent, encouraging others to take their own national assets. A range of public officials, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and former World Bank President Robert Zoellick as well as David Cameron, the new British foreign secretary and former prime minister, have nevertheless argued in favor of the seizure. There isn’t an alternative reserve currency to the dollar right now, or anywhere safe outside the Western-dominated financial system for investors to go. Besides, as Tribe’s report argues, “assisting Ukraine in its time of need is worth the speculative risk to the dollar.”

This part of the argument has more significance now than it did in September, when Tribe and his colleagues published their report, because the stakes for Ukraine are higher and the need to take risks is greater. The crisis in Western funding—a crisis caused, I repeat, by pro-Russian politicians and factions in our own societies, some of whom are coordinating their activity with Russia—is now acute. It is also visibly emboldening Putin, who last week gave a press conference restating his goal in Ukraine, which is the same as it was two years ago: the destruction of the Ukrainian state. The dysfunction in Washington and Brussels is bolstering Putin’s belief that he will win the war simply by waiting for the West to give up.

Handing $300 billion of Russian assets to Ukraine will put a dent in this confidence. It will show Putin that the West is willing to take creative, even unprecedented, measures to win the war. It will also be popular, not only in Ukraine but in the U.S. and Europe. Most people will intuitively understand the fairness of making Russia pay for its own acts of vandalism. Whatever reputational damage this transfer of assets might cause for the West, it is vanishingly small in comparison to the reputational damage that the West will suffer if Russia succeeds in conquering Ukraine. The sooner we make this decision, the more quickly the impact will be felt on the ground. What are we waiting for?

The post Senator Menendez’s Home Searched: Gold bars connected to co-defendant found – TickerTV News first appeared on The South Caucasus News – The News And Times.

По словам министра обороны Грузии Джуаншера Бурчуладзе, через два года небо Тбилиси будет полностью защищено. По его словам, помощь, контракты и закупки, получаемые министерством в сотрудничестве с тем или иным международным игроком, будут служить повышению обороноспособность страны. Как указал глава Миноброны, в результате получения уже оформленных закупок через 2 года «у нас будет полностью защищенное […]

The post «Через два года небо Тбилиси будет полностью защищено» — глава Миноброны Грузии first appeared on The South Caucasus News – The News And Times.


‘Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world’: Does the war in Ukraine fuel financial crime?  Euronews

John F. Kennedy’s Last Movie: From Russia with Love  Literary Hub

Trump echoes Vladimir Putin at campaign rally. Hear Jake Tapper’s response  The Citizen

After Santos: An undemocratic special election to clean up the mess  New York Daily News

The US Army has come under fire from its younger Gen Z recruits who have moaned over pay and working conditions.

Multiple recruits have come forward to slam the US military for a wide range of concerns, including poor pay and a lack of privacy.

It comes as the US Army is facing a recruitment crisis, with the force falling short of its recruitment target by 15 per cent.

One of those criticising the army was TikTok military influencer Anthony Laster who slammed army life for having “No Privacy, The Pay Sucks, Sh***y Food, Disrespectful Leadership, NO SLEEP!”

Army soldfier

However, in a separate video, Laster laid out some positives of joining the army, including: “100 per cent college tuition. Travel to some cool places. Fight for your country. Get fit. Get good friends. Blow s*** up.”

The US Army expects to end up about 15,000 short of its target of 65,000 recruits for 2023, as there is concern military recruitment is failing to register with Gen Z.

Similarly, the Navy expects to fall short by 10,000 personnel and the Air Force is projected to miss its goal by 10 percent.

According to Pentagon data, last year only nine percent of young people ages 16-21 said they would consider military service.


@shemarwill 5 reasons to not join the military #fyp #fy #money #military #viral #virginia #navy #gonavy #parents #ticktock ♬ original sound – Shemar Williams

There have also been concerns about the health of soldiers. According to a recent study of data from the Military Health System Data Repository, around 23 per cent of soldiers registered as obese in 2021.

Not only are recruits not fit enough to join, but their fitness is also declining once they’re in the ranks leaving officials scrambling to install weight loss and exercise regimens.

Soldiers have taken to TikTok to complain about having to remain below a certain weight, harsh treatment from their superiors and having to perform menial tasks instead of engaging enemies on the battlefield.

One young recruit, Shemar Williams whined that “we do not get paid enough to perform the mission that is tasked to us,” lack of autonomy and sacrifices in family life.

Sergeant Barber, 25, added life in the military is “mopping those floors 99 per cent of the time” rather than war combat.

They said: “Even if you deploy you probably won’t see combat today in this world so if that’s your mindset. Don’t join!”

Tiktok influencer in the US army

Another young recruit who could only be identified as Gammage from the name on her uniform, said: “Don’t join the Army until you’re mentally prepared to be told you’re going over/under weight, treated like you’re not a good soldier if you can’t run two miles in 18 mins or less – oh and you can’t get injured either cause then it’s your fault”

According to federal data, more than 20,000 active-duty troops are on food stamps to make ends meet.

TikTok has come under fire from both Democrats and Republicans for the platform’s links with China.

The app has also been accused of pushing subversive anti-US propaganda.

Critics Say Israel’s Killing of Hostages Reflects Broader Targeting of Civilians  TIME

OTD December 18, 1940, Hitler signs Directive Number 21 aka #Operation_Barbarossa. Soviet spy #Richard_Sorge warns Moscow and is ignored. “The German armed forces must be ready before the end of the war against Great Britain to defeat the Soviet Union by means of Blitzkrieg.”

— SPIES&VESPERS (@SpiesVespers) December 18, 2023

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OTD Dec 18, 1996 disgraced #FBI agent #Earl_Edwin_Pitts charged with attempted espionage and other counts. #fuckthatguy

— SPIES&VESPERS (@SpiesVespers) December 18, 2023

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OTD Dec 18 1878, Ioseb Besarionis dzе Jughashvili aka Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin born. Governed the Soviet Union as its dictator from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953.

— SPIES&VESPERS (@SpiesVespers) December 18, 2023

Opinion | There Wasn’t Much to Love About 2023  The New York Times

For Austin, the trip is a delicate balancing act.

Путин пригласил глав СНГ на саммит в Петербурге


Министерство сельского хозяйства принимает все необходимые меры по стабилизации ситуации на рынке куриного яйца, заявил пресс-секретарь президента России Дмитрий Песков.


Главком ВСУ Валерий Залужный подтвердил, что в его кабинете было обнаружено прослушивающее оборудование. Об этом пишет “Страна”.


Израильская армия заявила в воскресенье, что ей удалось обнаружить самый большой туннель ХАМАС в секторе Газа. По словам представителей воеенного руководства страны, он расположен всего в нескольких сотнях метров от пограничного перехода Эрез. По словам фотографа AFP, получившего доступ к туннелю, его размеры позволяют проехать небольшому автомобилю. Туннель является частью более широкой разветвленной сети, общая длина которой составляет более четырех километров, отмечается в заявлении израильских военных. По их словам, строительство туннеля обошлось в миллионы долларов и заняло годы, а руководил проектом Мохаммад Яхья, брат главы ХАМАС Яхьи Синвара, который, как принято считать, был организатором нападения на Израиль 7 октября. Израильские военные говорят, что они обнаружили в туннеле большое количество оружия. По словам представителя израильской армии подполковника Ричарда Хехта, туннель был построен вблизи КПП Эрез, который Израиль использует для контролируемого въезда палестинских рабочих и лиц, нуждающихся в медицинской помощи. Лабиринт туннелей под прибрежной территорией Газы первоначально использовался, чтобы обойти израильско-египетскую блокаду, действующую с 2007 года. По имеющимся данным, несколько сот туннелей были проложены под границей с Египтом и в Синайской пустыне. В 2014 году сеть туннелей была расширена. Сообщается, что ХАМАС использует их для запусков ракет.

Напомним, что 7 октября боевики ХАМАС совершили внезапное нападение на юг Израиля, убив, по последним данным израильской стороны, около 1140 человек, в основном мирных жителей, и захватив около 250 заложников.

В ответ Израиль начал бомбардировки и наземное вторжение в сектор Газа с целью уничтожить ХАМАС.