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Report: IDF believes Hamas used spy to compile detailed map of base ahead of invasion

Report: IDF believes Hamas used spy to compile detailed map of base ahead of invasion

Among the Hamas attack plans used during the October 7 onslaught and found by the IDF is a detailed map of an Israeli military base that was almost certainly compiled using a spy, The Guardian quotes an unnamed Israeli intelligence source as saying.

The UK news site says findings on the Palestinian terror group’s invasion plans have been presented to foreign journalists, including a map of a base that is “more detailed than would have been required by the IDF itself.”

“Compiling such a map could only have been done using ‘inside knowledge’ – almost certainly from a Hamas spy,” the report cites the intelligence source as saying.

A military correspondent for Israel’s Kan public broadcaster, however, says at this stage, Israeli intelligence officials have no indication that there were spies in Israel who worked for Hamas before the war.

The Guardian report, according to Kan’s correspondent, stemmed from a briefing for foreign media outlets during which officials said the IDF was investigating all possibilities regarding the planning of the October 7 attacks.

The IDF says that after the war is over, it will investigate the circumstances that led to Hamas’s attack on October 7.